6 Surprising Steps To Become a “Max-Out” Mama

I don’t know about you, but I have a strong desire to be a “Max-Out” Mama. My goal is to MAX OUT my life in every area, by making the most out of each role and responsibility that I have. Each day we’re given the opportunity to create our own stories, which raises the question: What kind of life do YOU want to live?


No matter where we find ourselves in life, we can choose to make it great or we can just coast by. You may have had a picture-perfect life, or like me, you have had to overcome some obstacles. Difficult times can fuel the drive and motivation to be positive, see the best in people, and push to live a FULL and INTENTIONAL life. Either way, life is intended to be lived to the MAX!


On any given day, a mama has to: cook meals, clean the house, do laundry, go grocery shopping, pay bills, make other sound financial decisions, be a good friend, raise decent humans, engage, play, and teach those humans, help with homework, transport our kids to extracurricular activities, be a present and loving spouse, maintain a social life, exercise, practice self-care, etc. (Essentially be a bad-ass 24/7.)

…AND, if you’re a working parent like me, top the above with a 40-hour work week and dismiss the mom guilt from working in the first place.

*Cue mic drop*

So, how can we live life fully when we have 1,000 to-dos and expectations on our plates?

… ALL the wine! A little Sauvignon blanc, a little Cab sav, I don’t know… Totally kidding (maybe.)

What I DO KNOW is that a key ingredient in being able to manage life is knowing how to max out our time.

Maxing out and making the most out of our lives empowers us to do it ALL.

If you’re in a slump and unsure of how to take charge of the challenges and responsibilities life is handing YOU, here are my tips on how YOU, too, can become a Max-Out Mama:


MAX OUT your efficiency.

What does this mean?

Well, my good friend Google defines efficiency as achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense. BOOM! Being efficient is an incredible goal with so much pay off. It’s great to be able to knock out multiple tasks at work and at home and feel productive and accomplished, which can ultimately create more time in your day for yourself and your family.

Being efficient in every area of life is a skill that is worth mastering. Work smarter, not harder.

MAX OUT your routine.

Routines can help make life more manageable. I love routines and believe I’ve been able to handle being a working mom easier than expected because of the daily structure that I create.

Life can throw us curveballs, but knowing what to expect on an average day can help manage all of your responsibilities more seamlessly.

I find that integrating the items below into my daily routine leaves me feeling more calm, content, and productive:

1.) Try meal prep. I love meal prepping and enjoy doing the same for my daughter. I enjoy preparing her meals in advance, because that’s one less thing I have to do in the morning. It also leaves me feeling secure and confident that she will be eating a balanced meal.


2.) Wake up early. You’d be surprised at how much you can get done if you wake up an hour before the rest of your crew. I try to wake up early so I can have my quiet time, enjoy a hot cup of coffee, and get myself ready so I can be fully present for my family when they wake up. Allowing myself to wake up early to prioritize these things leaves me feeling ready to tackle the day.


3.) Make a schedule! To help keep my sanity and have some type of organization, I had to establish a morning routine and stick with it. My morning routine goes a little something like this:

    • 6:00am- Wake up, quiet time, coffee, get my life together
    • 7:00am- Get ready (showering the night before helps to speed up the process)
    • 7:30am- Make breakfast/dishes/laundry/tidy up
    • 8:00am- Mia time – wake, feed, snuggle!
    • 8:15am- Head to work/Drop Mia off with her nanny

*Side note: I’m extremely thankful to have a helpful and supportive husband who shares daily responsibilities with me. Thanks, Babe!*

MAX OUT your priorities.

What does this look like for you? Is it your family? Your career? Time with friends? Cleaning the house? All of the above? Take some time to focus on the most essential items in your life and prioritize them accordingly.

We may want to do it ALL. I know I do, but sometimes “ALL” isn’t manageable. It’s important to prioritize your most important tasks and Get. Them. Done.

If we allow all of our “to-dos” to consume us, we’ll never feel like we’re above water. My family is my #1 priority, so I aim to get as much as I can done during “down times”, so I can maximize the time I spend with them each day.


MAX OUT your plans.

Prepare and plan to help make life less chaotic for yourself. When you take time to prepare and plan, you’ll be less stressed and able to get a lot more done and in a more enjoyable way.

Also, If you make plans, follow them through. There’s nothing better than being a person who does what they say they are going to do. Following through proves that our words have value. You never know who is counting on you!

MAX OUT your goals.

Write down your goals and work to accomplish them. In my opinion, part of maxing out your life is by setting high goals and expectations for yourself and EXCEEDING them. I just wanted to remind someone that:

You can be a woman with big goals and be an incredible mother.

You can be a man with a demanding career and be a loving and present father.

You can be whatever you say you are going to be…and do whatever you say you are going to do.


MAX OUT your potential.

Take the time to do things that make YOU feel YOUR very best. Make it a priority to participate in activities that make you physically strong, mentally sound, emotionally stable, and spiritually fulfilled. Take the time to invest in yourself, so you feel proud to live the life that you have.

Determine what makes YOU happy and decide how you want to maximize it. We were created uniquely and with a purpose, so don’t settle for average when you were made to be GREAT. I know I want to max out my potential and max out my life!

Will you join me in doing the same?

What are your tips and tricks to maxing-out YOUR life?


About The Author


Founder & author of the parenting & lifestyle blog, Poms2Moms. Christian, wife to Josh, mom to Mia and Boone. Find me writing about life as a new mom, fitness, and “fitness whole pizza in my mouth.” Cheers! – Cayla


  1. Gina Abernathy | 31st Jul 19

    I am “somewhat” a schedule maker. I do like to follow a routine and a schedule. It keeps me from trying to figure out what to do next and also to make sure I am getting everything done for the day. Have a great day!

  2. Devon Bernthal | 31st Jul 19

    This is a great post! Meal prep and writing down goals would help me tremendously.

  3. Jordyn | 1st Aug 19

    Ugh I definitely need to start waking up earlier. I was better before the baby was born. That will definitely make me for efficient lol.

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