
Honey, I’m Homeschooling!

Just imagine you are telling someone about a *HUGE* new life decision. Excitement radiates from your face, you deliver the news full of joy, and then you wait for the obvious encouraging response. But instead of excitement, something else happens. You notice your audience slightly cringe, become wide-eyed and then… realize their error before quickly trying to cover it up. This is what it’s like telling “most” people, you are deciding to homeschool. 

25 Ways To Cope With Preschool Separation Anxiety

Anyone else with a child who has always been a little “slow to warm?” Or maybe you suspect your toddler has preschool separation anxiety? 

“The World’s Okayest Stay At Home Mom”

Hi, my name is Kaitlin and I’m just an okay stay at home mom.

“Thoughts Of A Toddler” Continued… Things My Feisty Four Year Old Says

I know it’s different for every family, but we didn’t go through the terrible two’s or “threenager” stage, really.