“Where Are My Eyes?” – Finding Focus And Time For Jesus

Some weeks I go so hard & accomplish so much, I end the week feeling like [amazon_textlink asin=’B072J84141′ text=’Wonder Woman‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’8d63b6a2-d75e-11e8-83bb-c7ac6489462c’]. And then there are times, when the next week rolls around, I become overwhelmed from the mental to do list – rotating like a credit reel. That’s when the panic sets in and I have the tendency to hide from my tasks & people. Rather than ending that week like Diana Prince I feel more like Ursula.


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I was going through this sequence of weeks recently.

I was straight killing it the week before; being a nice mommy, getting in my workouts, making good food choices, being a good wifey, getting in time with Jesus, being a good friend, side hustle game was on point too. And my house seemed to remain manageable. {Insert: THIS GIRL IS ON FIYAAAAAAAA!}

Then the next week – it’s like I did a 180…I was barely scraping by.

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During that “Ursula Week” some stuff happened…work got a little hectic, bad health news for my dad, a slew of minor irritating moments and I allowed my circumstances to direct my course into a place of negativity and low performance.

Week 3 comes along and I’m like, “Sister, get it together!”

I started to reflect on the last two-ish weeks. I started asking myself a series of questions: “What was different?” “Was it just my circumstances or was it me?” “What did I do wrong?” “Why can’t I be consistently awesome?”

Seriously, who wants to be Ursula when they can be Wonder Woman?

I was focusing on the bad…the chaos of that week. The reason I was feeling down and overwhelmed was because I was underperforming. I was underperforming because I was down and overwhelmed. It was a vicious cycle… but it was all because of my focus.

I needed to shift my mindset. I needed to get into a better headspace. Think happy thoughts-positive vibes only right? NO…Girl…NO! I mean sure it helps but that is not enough!

I needed to shift my eyes upward and not inward. I needed to hold my focus on Jesus. YASSSS!


Making time for my relationship with Jesus was on point one week. The next week…I allowed my to-dos to get in the way of that time. Time with Jesus was the difference.

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When I start my day focusing on The Lord and His plan I put myself in a position of service to Jesus. When I am serving Him and others, I am not serving myself or my agenda.

Circumstances are going to happen…busier weeks are going to come…and just because you have your [amazon_textlink asin=’0310357799′ text=’devotion‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’102e8155-d762-11e8-a39b-6166e51c8610′] does not going to mean your day is set for rainbows and butterflies.

But YOU can live in abundance by choosing to give your day over to Christ, letting Him use you and keeping your focus upward.

Jesus tells us in Matthew 11:28-30: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”


He also tells us in 1 Peter 5:7 to tell him our concerns because he cares about us. Is that not awesome? We have someone begging for us to unload on them.

God has work for us to do. He wants to use us! Our hands can’t serve if our arms of full of burdens.

I encourage you to make time and cultivate your relationship with Christ and see what a difference it makes in your week.

Remember, His burden is light. He doesn’t want us to walk through this life alone.

He is a perspective shifter and reading [amazon_textlink asin=’1433648199′ text=’His Word‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’08f22b05-d764-11e8-9d75-81f44db9b621′] creates the ultimate positive vibes.

Is your week a crappy one? What’s different? Where is your focus?

Where is your relationship with Christ?


About The Author


Founder & author of the parenting & lifestyle blog, Poms2Moms. Lover of Jesus, farm life, and healthy living… but baking some dang good cakes while doing it! Find me writing about my relationship with Christ, my lineman husband, and adventures as a veteran 2-under-2 momma. Cheers! – Trisha


  1. Hazel | 24th Oct 18

    It is normal for us to feel tired at times, especially when things get a little crazy. But sometimes it reminds us the importance of feeling rested and trusting Jesus during the process. It’s not always a perfect journey but a little challenge might prove us worthy, even just for a little bit 🤗

  2. April | 24th Oct 18

    What we focus on is where our actions come from. If we focus on the stress, our actions sure do show it!! Always love when someone is pointing out the truths and that the way to complete freedom is in Christ!!

  3. April | 24th Oct 18

    Our actions reflect our focus. So if stress is the focus, stress will show. Focusing on Him, on how He loves us, His mercy and Grace allowing us to be emptied and filled with Him then we can pour out all that He is on those in our home and ones we interact with in this world!! Thank you for spreading truth!!

  4. Bailey | 25th Oct 18

    This was nourishment for my soul. Thank you for the reminder to refocus on Jesus.

  5. Ailie | 26th Oct 18

    Love it. I relate on so many levels with this post. Its all about our thought life and what we are looking at. I find Jesus often reminds me of the Scripture that talks about how if our eyes are full of light then our lives are full of life.

    Great post

  6. Gemma | 30th Oct 18

    I know the feeling! It is so important to take the time to just pray and find some peace. Beautiful!

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