7 Ways To Take Control Of Your Thoughts

Did you know it has been estimated that the average human being has around 50,000 thoughts per day? (That’s insane!)

You may not have realized the scale of that number, but have you ever considered the kinds of thoughts you allow into your mind? How many of the 50,000 are positive? How many are negative?


The responsibilities of motherhood can be extremely demanding, and even overbearing at times. Okay, MANY times. It can be hard to stay positive when you have 100 jobs, 100 tasks to complete, and everyone else seems to be gaining, while you’re draining. As a #NewMom, I try to remain as calm and as positive as I can, but also find myself complaining and becoming a “Negative Nancy” at times. Let’s be real, NO ONE likes that title.

My husband and I have a “fun” way of calling each other out when we’re being “extra.” Whenever he calls me Negative Nancy, Wanda the Worrier, or Debbie Downer, I realize that I probably need to stop and check myself. Chances are, after I take a second to stop being irritated that he called me out, I can accept that I might be overly negative… or complaining a little too much.

It is important to try and take control of your thoughts the second negativity creeps in. Here are some ways to help manage negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones:

1.) We need to check our emotional thermostat. I recently participated in a women’s bible study through Elevation Church called “Becoming Mrs. Betterhalf.” Holly Furtick reminded us that, as women, we set the thermostat for our household. If I’m in an ill mood, chances are it’s going to rub off on my husband and create a negative environment in our home, leading everyone to be in an ill mood. This principle helped me to remember the importance of keeping my attitude in check. How great would it be, as moms, to be the calm, peaceful one in our households, in the midst of chaos?? Of course, it’s nearly impossible and unrealistic to always stay level-headed, but TRYING to model positive behavior by keeping our emotional thermostats in check will make a more peaceful home for everyone living in it.

2.) We need to become aware of our emotions. Creating awareness of what’s going on in your mind can help bring perspective to the situation. When you are fully cognizant of your emotions, it will be easier to take control and adjust your mentality. You will be able to focus more on staying relaxed and peaceful, going with the flow, and placing emphasis on the things that you CAN control over what you can’t control.

3.) We have to be stronger than our thoughts. Negative feelings are caused by negative thoughts. As a mother, and in life in general, it can be so easy to get caught up in your thinking. Keep in mind, all thoughts have a beginning and an end. When negative thoughts creep in, it’s important to hold them captive and try to replace them with positive ones. Your life isn’t negative. Your thinking is. This is a difficult task and takes some getting used to, but trust me, your mind, emotions, (and family) will thank you for it.

4.) We need to go back to times when we’ve overcome situations before. I need to do this a lot. Sometimes when I get so overwhelmed, my mind can easily go into a state of emergency. When this happens, I try to remind myself that a) it’s not that bad…things can be FAR worse, b) I have been in these situations before and have made it through, and c) I am strong enough to handle each thing that comes my way. When I look at situations from this perspective, the severity of my problem shrinks.

5.) We need support. We need to be vulnerable enough to be real and open. Talking with family and friends will allow us the chance to vent and for someone other than ourselves to help change our mentality. Luckily for me, the Poms2Moms crew talks daily. We are there for each other when we need advice, have funny stories to tell, or are really struggling. They are such a blessing!

6.) We need to stop and breathe. It doesn’t help the situation to remain upset. Deep breathing is one of my favorite ways to physically relieve stress and release negativity from my mind. When we let negative thoughts stay too long, only frustration, raised blood pressure, and manifestation of more negative thoughts occur.

7.) We need to be grateful. Even though there are numerous tasks to get done and tons of responsibilities to tackle, being grateful in the moment will help bring peace to our, sometimes, hectic lives. When you’re experiencing negative thoughts, try and immediately remember all that you have to be grateful for. It’s difficult to stay negative when you truly take a look at how great your life really is.

True peace comes from understanding that life has its ups and downs. There are always going to be negative times, which can teach us so many things and give us opportunities to grow. Next time negative thoughts come in and ruin your mood, remember that you have control over your mind. Dr. Richard Carlson said, “a thought can’t hurt you without your consent.” (I love this!) When you tackle negative thoughts at the forefront, you will regain perspective…and ultimately gain happiness and peace.

What do you do when negativity creeps in? I’d love to hear how you handle it.


About The Author


Founder & author of the parenting & lifestyle blog, Poms2Moms. Christian, wife to Josh, mom to Mia and Boone. Find me writing about life as a new mom, fitness, and “fitness whole pizza in my mouth.” Cheers! – Cayla