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Epic Family Reunions In 6 Simple Steps

Hooray for the holidays! It is a season surrounded by giving, friends, and family. And with family so present in my heart and mind this time of year, I wanted to share a tradition near and dear to me… that actually occurs at the end of every summer. 

The Indulgent Girl’s Guide To Staying Slim Over The Holidays

It all starts with the Halloween candy. Pumpkin bread, pumpkin beer, and pumpkin spice lattes… you’re halfway through November with an eye towards Thanksgiving and find yourself with [amazon_textlink asin=’B075VB52KH’ text=’holiday party invitations‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’4ca559a5-e6af-11e8-87e6-35767d595d1d’] in hand. The time is near… CHRISTMAS PARTIES ARE COMING!  (Yay!)

7 Tips To Plan a Ballin’ Bachelorette Party

Being asked to plan a bachelorette party is quite the honor.  Friends, special occasions, and memories are all entrusted to you. I agree, although it’s sure to be a blast, the preparation can also be quite stressful. I’ve got some tips that helped me plan my sister’s ballin’ bachelorette party that will help guide your planning.

5 Post Workout Tips To Heal Your Mind & Body

The end of the workout can shape the whole thing.  It’s the time to assess your performance and praise yourself for the effort.  It sets the tone for the rest of your day, and even your mind set for the next workout. Check out some of my favorite ways to reset your mind and body with post workout stretching.

The last 10 minutes before you head back into the real world are crucial… Here’s how to make them count.

Transitioning To Motherhood: Harder Than It Looks

I’m on the brink, but not quite there yet…

As I quickly approach 30, I’m looking around and getting a little anxious that I’m missing something.  I’ve got no plans of babies any time soon. Am I incorrect? Am I missing the motherly gene?

Life Lessons From A German Shepard

Obviously I’m biased… but I’m pretty smitten with my dog.

He’s the kind that makes you want to wring his neck due to his knucklehead qualities, and give him a big smooch at the same time. And he’s a redhead. His name is Caesar Marren.

Change The Scenery With These 4 Outdoor Workouts


Vitamin D + aerobic activity is a recipe for happiness!

A lot of focus these days is about going to a gym, and high-speed indoor workouts. Seems like equipment or fancy treadmills are required. However, I’m here to say that’s not at all necessary for a legit workout.

Workout Recovery Days For The Type A

Recovery is vital! Taking care of yourself involves more than crushing weight all the time. It sounds so attractive: kicking your feet up and relaxing. Still, sometimes I have a hard time allowing myself to rest.

3 Ways To Conquer Weightlifting

College athletics propelled me into a lifetime of love for weightlifting.  I particularly enjoy Olympic lifting.  It’s a skill that makes me feel confident and strong.

3 Quality Of Life Boosters

Recently, my neighbor asked me how I was doing. He is retired, and now lives the good life smoking a cigar watching ESPN all day.  Demoralized after a long day, I told him how much stress I felt.