Epic Family Reunions In 6 Simple Steps

Hooray for the holidays! It is a season surrounded by giving, friends, and family. And with family so present in my heart and mind this time of year, I wanted to share a tradition near and dear to me… that actually occurs at the end of every summer. 

My family has had a 62-year running annual reunion, and I’m quite proud of their accomplishments. It’s a truly special occasion!



Since I feel like they have created something significant, I wanted to share some of the tips that make the reunion a success. 

Hopefully they help contribute to your [amazon_textlink asin=’B07DWB1R3K’ text=’family reunions‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’3e9d9fd1-f728-11e8-9a94-7530ba80ef93′], or just establishing some new traditions.

This post is mostly focused on destination family reunions but partly applies to local reunions as well. 

Send us your tips, too!




1.) Pick a date and location, and put it on the calendar. 

That sounds obvious, but look six to 12 months out and mark that date. (Hey, NOW is the perfect time!) 😉  Push it out early to everyone, and then hold onto it like it is FIRST priority.  Make sure the whole family knows to block off that time. Don’t cancel on yourself, or shift it around.


2.) If you can help it, don’t change the dates year to year.

Sticking to this is important because if you keep that same date every year, your family knows the same week to request off of work ahead of time.  If everyone looks at the time period as “off limits,” then other events won’t get in the way. You’ll begin to anticipate the dates and before you know it, and naturally refer to it like any other holiday period!



3.) Get everyones’ favorite dishes involved!

If you are spending several days together, you’ll share plenty of meals. We’re talking food for a crowd! My family has developed a few favorite meals that we’ve gotten down to perfection.


4.) Have a sign-up sheet for cooking and cleaning.

If folks volunteer to clean up after dinner one night, then they can enjoy the other night relaxing.

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The duties should be evenly spread. Pairs can sign up and create their own unique meal for the family. When you haven’t seen your cousin in a while, teamwork together in the kitchen gets you right back to that close relationship and creates some fun memories, too.


5.) Ensure each person gets a room. 

Just as nice it is to catch up with family, it’s also nice to retreat to a quiet place at the end of the day. With this in mind, when you’re planning your reunion, do your best to get a house that can accommodate the whole family.  My family recently had to spread out to two houses so that the grandkids who had grown to start their own families have spaces.  When planning, and when considering budget, my recommendation is to make that a priority.


6.) Despite the work, know that it’s WORTH IT.

Some of the best memories that I have ever made in my entire life — no exaggeration here — have been at the beach with my family.  It has been a tradition I’ve been proud to show Brad, as he joined the family and began to make his own beach-trip-memories with us. I feel closer to some of my cousins and relatives that live far away, because even though we don’t see each other often, we are able to pick up where we left off every time we see each other at the beach.

While it may be inconvenient or time-consuming  at first, the memories are priceless.

Did anyone else have a family reunion this past summer or fall? Share your story here!

About The Author


Founder & author of the parenting & lifestyle blog, Poms2Moms. Licensed attorney, wife to a firefighter, and mom to a very furry and loveable, Caesar. Find me writing about my travels across the country, adventures in law, and life in the army. Cheers! – Karey


  1. Maegan | 3rd Dec 18

    62 years! What an accomplishment!! These are wonderful tips. I’ve been grateful that we’ve had our own space for our individual families at events. It’s especially helpful when you have young children.

    • Karey | 12th Dec 18

      Thanks, Maegan! I have to say, the individual space is a must. There were a few years there where I didn’t have that luxury, and it was interesting to say the least.

  2. Sara | 3rd Dec 18

    I’ve always been a bit ‘jealous’ of those families that have a reunion every year. My family has never been able to make it happen. I would imagine having a set date would be very helpful, so people can know when to expect it. WE may just have to try a reunion one of these years!

    • Karey | 12th Dec 18

      Hey Sara! Sounds like you could be the one to start the tradition! Even if not everyone can make it, you gotta start somewhere. And in the meantime you get to enjoy/pick a cool location. Have fun!!

  3. Jaime | 3rd Dec 18

    I really thinking keeping the date the same is an important tip. Everyone knows when to expect the reunion and can plan other things accordingly.

    • Karey | 12th Dec 18

      Exactly! And if you keep the same date year after year, it becomes easy to request time off work without uncertainty. It gives you something to anticipate, too!

  4. Beth | 4th Dec 18

    What an awesome tradition! My husband’s family has had an annual family reunion for a really long time, but it is always just an afternoon event in the small town that his great-grandparents lived in. I’d love to do something like your family. On a side note, I’ve visited Holden Beach a few times, and I love it! It would be the perfect reunion site.

    • Karey | 12th Dec 18

      That type of family reunion is great too, and honestly more practical. Our family definitely goes all out for the beach week and not everyone has the ability to take that much time off. Either way, it’s special you spend time together. Also… I LOVE HOLDEN BEACH! The prices for houses are much more affordable than some other spots on NC beaches.

  5. Charlotte | 5th Dec 18

    I never would have thought of having a sign-up sheet! 62 years is amazing!

    • Karey | 12th Dec 18

      I have to credit the sign-up sheet to my mother, and her school teacher background. It definitely helps equally spread out the labor required to make it a successful week! I feel lucky to be part of the long tradition.

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