Family Traditions: Building Memories With Your Favorite People

{Key music} …It’s a Family Tradition.


I love having certain things to look forward to every single year! Those things change depending on what phase of life you are in. As a kid it was summer beach trips, the grandparents’ house, and the holidays. As a young adult it was prom, parties, and football games.

And for the phase of life I am in now, it is time spent with my sweet little family. 

There is such a short period of time where my girls think that hanging out with Mom and Dad is somewhat cool. Advantageously… I also completely control our calendar as they have not started having their own events or agendas.

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So, my mission is to take full advantage of this time and create LASTING traditions while they are young.

The great thing about having a tradition is that it is already set. They are harder to cancel, change, or forget about because it becomes a known fact that it is something you do every single year! So by establishing these while they are young, when they turn into awful teenagers… they know that these traditions are here to stay and are important to our family unit.

But most of all… traditions are fun! They create excitement and memories for a lifetime!

Looking for some inspiration on traditions you can start with your favorite people? Here are a few traditions that my family has started and I look forward to every single year:


1.) Go BIG On Birthday Day

This may be obvious, but it’s a special day to celebrate that just that child.  Drew and I both take the day off work and plan a full day of things that they love.

Even when Aubrey turned 1 we had a day full of activities that we knew she would enjoy and could just spend the entire day watching her smile. This always includes a sprinkled doughnut, ice cream, mani/pedi, and some type of nature/animal (zoo, museum).


I have told her each morning on her birthday before we go out and start our day, that this is a big day for her, but it is even bigger for Mommy and Daddy because this is the day we welcomed you into our family and learned what love truly meant. 

We then wipe away the river of happy tears, and put on her [amazon_textlink asin=’B071CM343X’ text=’tutu dress‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’02c55bef-bc0f-11e8-b8a4-cbcfa054f1e6′] and start our birthday tradition.

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2.) Run A Race

Any active mamas here?

I am one of those weird people who enjoys running! It is a stress reliever for me and I love setting a goal and achieving it. Once having babies, I wanted this to be something that I could enjoy with them!  I invested in the [amazon_textlink asin=’B019EZD7Y2′ text=’Bob Stroller‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’6543bf45-bc0f-11e8-ad44-9d580064238d’], (Ah-Mazing!!) so I could make this happen.

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I think it is important for your children to see that you make your health and exercise a priority. 

It’s good for them to see the time and training a parent puts into achieving a goal and having them being a part of the process and complete the race with them is not only fun, but a valuable lesson. I am so looking forward to Aubrey running her first 1 mile race and having me right by her side pushing Caroline in the stroller!


3.) Paint A Pumpkin

We love fall and pumpkin everything!  And it seems like there are endless things to do!  We haven’t established a specific pumpkin patch we visit or certain hayrides to go to… but we have made a pumpkin photo opportunity a must.  Every year I use either Aubrey’s feet or hands to create my pumpkin and then make sure to put the year on it and take a picture.

It is great to see how big those tiny fingers and toes get every single year!



4.) Take A Christmas Tree Trip

This might be my absolute favorite! 

I have always thought there is something so special about chopping down your own tree and putting it up in your house. It is something tangible, but more importantly on Christmas, it’s a memory and an experience. So Drew and I decided to make that something our family looked forward to every year.

We started it when Aubrey was only 3 months old!  We took a weekend trip to Boone, the first weekend after Thanksgiving, we to the Christmas Parade and then picked out and cut down our own Christmas tree!  This is something we have done every year since and it is becoming my most favorite tradition!


Something cute that has come from this is our keepsake Christmas ornament. (Coming soon to the blog!) 

These are just a few things that we do and look forward to every year. What are some of YOUR family’s favorite traditions?







About The Author


Founder & author of the parenting & lifestyle blog, Poms2Moms, but my full-time job is wine. Find me writing about my two precious girls, aspirations to become friends with Joanna Gaines, and balancing home-life with my career. Cheers! – Jenny


  1. Dianna | 19th Sep 18

    Going to a Christmas tree farm with little kids is the best! Wonderful memories reinforced every year as part of a family tradition is so special.

    • Jenny | 20th Sep 18

      It is the best! We have a great time every year and we always look forward to it! Thank you for reading!

  2. shan | 20th Sep 18

    We do these – except the running! haha Seriously though, my kids are older and REALLY love the traditions. In this crazy world, I think they love them because they’ve become a sense of security – something they can rely on and look forward to. Blessings!

    • Jenny | 25th Sep 18

      Absolutely! That is the goal, that as they grow and things become crazy these few things remain constant.

  3. Madison at The Weaver Fam | 23rd Sep 18

    These are wonderful ideas! We do most of these, especially the birthday day.

    • Jenny | 25th Sep 18

      The birthday day is super fun!

  4. Taryn | 24th Sep 18

    These are all so great. I love how you celebrate birthdays. That’s a unique and special day!

    • Jenny | 25th Sep 18

      We love celebrating the birthdays! It is something so fun and just a day fully focused on the things they enjoy the most!

  5. Monidipa Dutta | 24th Sep 18

    I don’t have a family but I love reading about families, get together of families and kids. It is great. It feels great.

    • Jenny | 25th Sep 18

      It does feel great! Thank you so much for reading!

  6. Nomads4Life | 25th Sep 18

    We used to go watch the Christmas tree lights in other neighborhoods every year.

    • Jenny | 25th Sep 18

      We love looking at Christmas lights, I am sure we can make doing that into some type of tradition!

  7. Scott Gombar | 25th Sep 18

    Family time is the best time. As a tradition, we take a train to NYC to visit Rockefeller center every year around Christmas.

    • Jenny | 25th Sep 18

      Ooooh that is a good one! We have never taken a train ride before!

  8. Amy Brown | 25th Sep 18

    Family traditions are a great way to build happy memories and bring your family closer. You have set out some fantastic ideas here. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Czjai Reyes-Ocampo | 25th Sep 18

    One of my favorites would have to be New Year’s Eve, when everyone would be at home to enjoy home cooked food and spend time together.

  10. Non stop family - Tips for family travels | 25th Sep 18

    Such great idias, it all lookks like wanderfull, the kind of memories we never forget.

  11. Bianca | 25th Sep 18

    I love tradition. It’s geounding. And the traditions we started as a child in my fam are still going strong!

  12. lauren porter | 25th Sep 18

    I love this – we have some of our own traditions including pumpkin carving & birthday treats! Would love to try the Xmas tree one

  13. Megan | 25th Sep 18

    This is great! Thank you for sharing – my family had little traditions here and there growing up. Nothing too special, just tiny things unique to us.

  14. Joanna | 25th Sep 18

    I love the Christmas tree idea! That never happened in my family, we usually just got our tree delivered directly from the tree nursery. Thinking about it, I would have loved to pick up my own tree back then. Now that I am an adult however I am all about artificial trees, and against cutting living ones for Christmas.

  15. Marcie | 25th Sep 18

    We always do the Holiday festivities in Downtown Seattle the Saturday after Thanksgiving. There’s a big event at Pike Place Market and we always do Santa photos there. This year will be our 5th year!

  16. Emily Fata | 25th Sep 18

    What a fabulous like that you’ve put together for something so important! I create memories with my loved ones through travel, outdoor excursions, and cooking together!

  17. Lyosha | 25th Sep 18

    it is so true. Memories are precious and they will make you smile in years after. nothing can beat that!

  18. Jesusa Gilliam | 25th Sep 18

    I love family traditions! We usually pick a birthday theme and try to decorate the party with that theme. Another family tradition is taking Christmas pics in front of our Christmas tree.

  19. Jordan Nunamaker | 25th Sep 18

    Running a race sounds like such a good idea!

  20. Nicole | 25th Sep 18

    These are all great ways to build memories with your family. I definitely want to have my son paint a pumpkin this year now that he is a bit older. I’ll have to try some of the others too, thanks for sharing!

  21. Ellie Plummer | 25th Sep 18

    I love having family traditions, it’s what makes you unique. My mum used to drive me and my brother around every year to look at the different Christmas lights in our neighbourhood.

  22. Mrs Emily Leary | 25th Sep 18

    We have movie night, which I love as we all cosy up together. We also have nights when we all cook together. 🙂

  23. Christa | 25th Sep 18

    I love going big on birthdays! It’s such a great way to celebrate a special day. A family tradition we have is to run a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving. It’s so much fun!

  24. Preet | 26th Sep 18

    Building memoried with love ones is such a wondrful thing to do. Quality time is really important and can help us build memories.

  25. Geraline Batarra | 26th Sep 18

    These are great and I do love celebrating any occasions with my family and for me that is the best time to create a good memories.

  26. Karla | 26th Sep 18

    What a lovely family. The kids are so cute. Having time for your family really means a lot specially to kids. It really gives a good vibes looking at your pictures. Thank you for sharing your moments with your family.

  27. Rachael Eberhardt | 26th Sep 18

    I really love celebrating every occasions with my families and friends because family occasions are the best memories that I will have in my whole life.

  28. Frank | 26th Sep 18

    I think it’s great to establish family traditions, but I really don’t understand throwing a mega birthday party for the little ones if they are under the age of 5. Even then, learning moderation can be a great life skill.

    But in all seriousness, most children don’t form permanent memories until after 3 years old, and I think it’s about the thought that counts more than the activities or how much you spend. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying treat your kids birthday like any other day, but I don’t think you need to be excessive either. I see so many parents literally spend $100s, maybe even $1000s on lavish birthday parties for their 1-year-old when they would be just as a happy with a cake and a trip to the zoo (or something) Make the day special, but going all out is not required.

  29. Jojo Hua | 26th Sep 18

    This is so sweet! I love the idea of taking the day off to celebrate your kids’ birthday with them. I can’t wait til I have my own family so I can start creating traditions with them too.

    • Jenny | 4th Oct 18

      Thank you, we look forward to it as much as they do! It is great!

  30. Stuart Brazell | 27th Sep 18

    I so enjoyed reading this! I just had a baby in July so I’m looking forward to building our own family traditions and these are great tips

    • Jenny | 4th Oct 18

      Congratulations on your little one!!

  31. Katie | 27th Sep 18

    Doing community events is a great way to make memories with kids. They will remember the unexpected moments and other big trips will be fainter memories. It’s interesting to look back on what I remember.

    • Jenny | 4th Oct 18

      Awesome idea! I love that! I need to find some type of organization that the entire family can get involved in with giving back to the community. Thank you!!

  32. Tania | 27th Sep 18

    Aw i love these ideas! Taking the day off just to celebrate birthdays and doing races together are such unique ideas! Im not a mom yet but would love to do some of these ina. future!

    • Jenny | 4th Oct 18

      I love unique and special times to celebrate family! And it is great to already have ideas of things you want to do in the future so you can start it early!

  33. Prashant | 28th Sep 18

    Loved the tips to spend quality time with loved ones. We do hiking and trecking to spend time with kids.

    • Jenny | 4th Oct 18

      Yes, we love any type of outdoor activity. Camping is on our list of to-dos!

  34. Sania Ahmed | 29th Sep 18

    Awwww these are such a great idea, this made me miss my family back in my Native. Well, I recently got married and this seems to be a great idea to capture all the great family memories.

    • Jenny | 4th Oct 18

      Congratulations! Perfect time to start some new traditions in this new phase of your life!

  35. Jordan Nunamaker | 2nd Oct 18

    The pumpkin painting idea and the christmas trip ideas are two of my favorites from this. I would love to know some other seasonal ideas you have for family traditions sometime!

    • Jenny | 4th Oct 18

      Thank you! I am trying to come up with more! We for sure do a pumpkin patch, bake a Christmas cake, go look at Christmas lights, and have the traditional family dinners. But am always looking for other fun ideas!

  36. Jayashree Sengupta | 4th Oct 18

    Not a mom yet, but I do love spending time with kids. And you have some awesome ideas here. Kids always draw a special place and engaging with them always brings smile on anyone’s face and so does the memories.

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