5 Ways To Take Control Of Your Day

There is nothing better than waking up with a smile on your face and feeling ready to take on the day!  But you all know that if one thing causes you to have a bad morning, you are more than likely going to have a bad rest of the day.  And typically if you have a bad day, that rubs off on your family… and they will also not have a great day.



I realized this while I was pregnant with our second daughter.  Most of the time I wake up happy and eager for the day before me. But occasionally, small things will happen within the first 5 minutes of being up that can change everything. Things so simple as waking up late, Drew leaving the toilet seat up, or stepping on Barbie’s stiletto would put my mood in a downward spiral.

You add those small things with pregnancy hormones and I could easily get super stressed and overwhelmed; to the point that Aubrey and Drew knew to watch out.  

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I knew when we added an additional little person I was going to have to take better control of my day and that was going to start with changing my morning routine.  

So, in order to make sure I start off feeling great and to make sure my family has a great day, I wake up 5 minutes earlier than I normally would and take those minutes of quietness and stillness in the house to control my day by doing at least one of these 5 things.  


1.) Be Thankful – If the first thing you do when you open your eyes is acknowledge that God has given you another day and say “Thank You” for this day, you instantly feel happy! You can build on this by reading a devotional or take a few quiet minutes to say a prayer.  Physically saying thank you out loud starts your day with positive thoughts and puts the focus on everything great in your life.   


2.) Make your bed – There is nothing more relaxing than walking in my bedroom and seeing a perfectly made bed.  To me it says “I have it all together” and I instantly feel a small amount of refreshment. When I start my day by making the bed I feel like I have already put a big green check mark beside an item on my to-do list!   

I saw this video where a Navy Seal speaks on how to be successful in life and his first rule is to make your bed. Check it out!


3.) Enjoy your beverage – No matter what you drink right when you wake up, make sure it is something you enjoy.  We have our coffee pot set on a timer so the second I walk down in the morning, my kitchen is filled with the smell of fresh coffee brewing!  I am that person that looks forward to my cup of coffee every single morning! One key to enjoying that first sip is enjoying the cup you are drinking it out of! A fun mug can quickly put a smile on your face! 


4.) Stretch – After being still all night it feels amazing to get up and reach high over head and release all of the stiffness. Stretching for just 5 minutes in the morning can drastically affect your mood and energy level throughout your day!

5.) Don’t Look at your Phone – Turn your alarm off and leave it on your nightstand for a little while. When you open your phone, you are susceptible to others’ emotions, events, and opinions. Then someone else is determining your mood for the day!  Enjoy one of the little things above without any distractions and I know you will notice a difference.

We are all creatures of habit and I personally enjoy a routine, so by building that extra 5 minutes into my morning and finding a way to incorporate at least one of the 5 things into that time I know I will start the day with a smile!  

What do you do each morning that puts a smile on your face and sets you up for a positive day?

About The Author


Founder & author of the parenting & lifestyle blog, Poms2Moms, but my full-time job is wine. Find me writing about my two precious girls, aspirations to become friends with Joanna Gaines, and balancing home-life with my career. Cheers! – Jenny


  1. candy | 20th Jul 18

    Totally understand what you are say about being so happy and zap the next moment life takes a turn. All great ideas to start out your day. Remember the glasses half full not half empty.

    • Jenny | 23rd Jul 18

      Always full 🙂

  2. Maegan | 20th Jul 18

    I try to take some time to pray/read scriptures when I get up. I also like to sing. I love your mug! That’s a great reminder for the morning! (And I want to be friends with Joanna Gaines too 🙂 )

    • Jenny | 23rd Jul 18

      If I could sing I totally would too, but I would ruin the entire neighborhoods day if I did that! Me, you, and our girl Jojo could all be BFFs!

  3. Elaine | 20th Jul 18

    These are great tips! I get up early in the morning and never make my bed, ha! That’s something I’m going to start doing because it’ll make me feel good! I love stretching in the morning…I do 5 mins of stretching every day and it has helped me start my day relaxed and stress-free.

    • Jenny | 23rd Jul 18

      I am consistent with my coffee and being thankful! I am doing much better about my phone but could use more consistency on the stretching and making my bed! Thank you for reading!

  4. Liz Chapman | 20th Jul 18

    Great list. I have to make my bed as soon as I get up! But I also look at my phone as soon as I wake up which I really need to stop doing.

    • Jenny | 23rd Jul 18

      Thank you! I need to try harder to make my bed every morning! I always want to and think about it but only occasionally do!

  5. Bethany | 21st Jul 18

    I need to leave my phone behind more often. When I do, I’m way more productive and happier.

    • Jenny | 23rd Jul 18

      Same here! I have to make a point to leave it upstairs when I get up in the morning!

  6. Veronika | 21st Jul 18

    #5 is huge for me! I can’t help myself! But I find the days I don’t even have the phone in site are much more productive.

    • Jenny | 23rd Jul 18

      Agreed! I think it is hard for all of us but it can make a huge difference in your morning!

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