Life Lessons From A German Shepard

Obviously I’m biased… but I’m pretty smitten with my dog.

He’s the kind that makes you want to wring his neck due to his knucklehead qualities, and give him a big smooch at the same time. And he’s a redhead. His name is Caesar Marren.



The list could probably run to infinity, but my German Shepard dog has taught me a lot of valuable lessons. (Whether I’m able to achieve them or not, is another matter.) But I’ve jotted them down here so that we can all benefit from the values he’s imparting.

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Here’s to taking a hint from our four-legged family members, on how to live life well:



Dog Lesson 1:  Happy to Greet Others

Unfortunately there have been evenings when I had to stay late at the office, and left my boy indoors longer than I would have liked. He has no [amazon_textlink asin=’B0013DJFQS’ text=’doggie door‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’29264030-8f6d-11e8-8a32-ddc0e8bf6559′], and it’s unfair to him to be stuck inside.

Certainly it’s not ideal.

If I were him, I would be SO mad when my human got home. How dare you leave me locked up! I’d greet you with an eye roll. Maybe.

And yet, my dog is still so excited to see me. He doesn’t blame me as the reason he’s been stuck inside, nor does he attribute any bad will. Instead, he simply recognizes in that moment that he is happy.

He is excited, and he allows himself to feel it, and to show it.

Let’s try to face other people with the same excitement our four-legged loved ones show us when we walk through the door.

Dog Lesson 2:  Chase the Cat

If there is one thing in life that my dog would give his eye-tooth for, it would be to catch himself a cat.

He freaks out every time he sees one. Mind you, it’s in an aggressive “I’m going to eat you” manner. But he has those convictions, and make no mistake: catching a kitty is his life’s ultimate goal.


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I want those type of convictions about my goals too.

I’ll be honest, there are days I want to quit my job, pack up, and go back to school to start from square one. There are days I don’t feel like I’ll ever be “strong,” so I’ll skip the gym that day — what’s the point anyway? And some of those inspirations or dreams I once had have fizzled and waned.

While some goals must shift and bend into reality, I still want to focus on them as much as my dog wants that cat. I want to maintain my ambition towards achieving it so much so that it’s strong, obvious, and unrelenting.

With reckless abandon, let’s pursue that goal.


Dog Lesson 3:  Loyal ‘till the End

Judgement free, no nagging, and always willing to come sit by your side — my dog is loyal until the end. Without question, this is one of the most attractive qualities I’ve ever witnessed in any living creature. How powerful to stand by someone’s side, come what may.


Let’s be that kind of friend or partner for one another.

Express to others how you are there for MORE than just the good times. Be the loyal, I’ve-got-your-back-guard-dog. We we would all be grateful to have one, so let’s also be one.


How do dogs so quickly set these standards? I wish it was that easy for me to achieve. Granted, it is not always so simple, given the dynamics of relationships. Still, you’d agree it’s worthy of taking note.

Join me as I try to mimic my dog in terms of these laudable, aspirational goals.

How does your fur-baby inspire you?

About The Author


Founder & author of the parenting & lifestyle blog, Poms2Moms. Licensed attorney, wife to a firefighter, and mom to a very furry and loveable, Caesar. Find me writing about my travels across the country, adventures in law, and life in the army. Cheers! – Karey


  1. Sarah @ Freedom is Hers | 27th Jul 18

    AWE!!!! I want to HUG him!!!! I have learned to trust my gut from my dog. And I’ve also learned to trust my dog’s gut. If she loves someone quickly then that person is probably a good person to know. If she barks and growls at someone then I’d be better off avoiding that person. She just knows. And I usually know too but I just need to learn how to trust that gut feeling.

    • Karey | 2nd Aug 18

      I swear, dogs have a sixth sense! Your dog sounds like such a sweet girl. Grateful that these four-legged-BFFs are teaching us a thing or two. Take care!

  2. Jennifer | 28th Jul 18

    This is so cute! I’ve never owned a German Shepard but I did have an ex-boyfriend who had two and they were awesome pets!

    • Karey | 2nd Aug 18

      German Shepards are smart and loyal, but MAN can they shed! We love him, anyway. 🙂

  3. Melissa | 28th Jul 18

    I like how you mentioned that dogs aren’t afraid to show people how they feel, that they’re happy to have you there. I need to do a better job showing and telling people I care about. My dog teaches me that it’s ok to have down time and relax every once in awhile!

    • Karey | 2nd Aug 18

      That’s a good lesson too, Melissa. Anyone who has ever seen a dog flop over for a belly rub knows they can teach us a thing or two about relaxing. Thanks for the reminder. Hope you’re doing well!

  4. Veronika | 29th Jul 18

    This is so cute! Beautiful German Shepherd! 🤩

    • Karey | 2nd Aug 18

      Thanks, Veronika! We think he’s pretty handsome (and he thinks so too haha). Hope you like our blog!

  5. Katie Walsh Beck | 30th Jul 18

    I have to agree – all of this is true and I never really thought of it as my two dogs teaching me some life lessons. And boy, are they ever happy when I come home EVERY SINGLE TIME – something I can work on when my husband and kids walk through the door 😉

    • Karey | 2nd Aug 18

      Thanks for the comment, Katie. That’s the first lesson Caesar really, truly taught me. I don’t have to be mad when folks come home; it’s ok to be in a good, life-loving mood! Easier said than done, but it’s my goal anyway!

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