How To Make The MOST Out Of Valentine’s Day This Year

Valentine’s Day is just a few days away! Valentine’s Day is typically a holiday surrounded by the idea of romance, togetherness, [amazon_textlink asin=’B018COT3VW’ text=’gifts‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’81aa28c0-fd2e-4c6c-b4e1-0c591620ad2e’], and celebration. I’m all about taking time to invest in your marriage and couples’ care, but also believe it’s important to focus on self-care and self-growth, within and for a relationship. If we, ourselves, are happy and fulfilled, we can ultimately show up completely whole for others.


It’s crucial that we take time to invest in ourselves so we can be the amazing men and women that we were called to be. When we are content with ourselves and our lives, we can be more satisfied and able to give someone else all that they deserve.

No matter what season of life you currently find yourself in, Valentine’s Day can be special if you look at it from the right perspective. Love, no matter what the relationship, should be an ongoing pursuit. Whether you are single or married, are a parent or are living the childfree life, you can produce growth and cultivate the best love this week and this year.

Although getting to know yourself is an ongoing journey, I believe there is so much significance in fully digging in during each season of your life. Especially when it comes to love.



It’s important to recognize how you need and desire to be loved for so many reasons. When you know your specific love language(s), you will be confident in knowing what you want. More fulfillment will come when your love tank is full, and ultimately, the special people in your life will feel more fulfilled as you love them the way they need to be loved.

Many of us may be familiar with the book, [amazon_textlink asin=’1415857318′ text=’The 5 Love Languages‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’affd275f-2e91-4e0d-abe3-da9ed884b330′], but if you have not read the book or taken the test, it could be a wise investment. Knowing how you want to be loved and how others feel love are critical in any relationship. Knowing and understanding these details in our relationships with our friends, spouses, significant others, family members, colleagues, and children, can only help the relationships flourish to new levels.

[amazon_link asins=’080241270X,0802414818,1415857318,0802412726,0802414826,0802412858,B00I8H670Y’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’9b4a659d-4daa-44a4-8a41-fbeb275d08de’]

I recently heard a powerful word; when you put a fragmented thing with another fragmented thing, you’re going to get a fragmented thing. But, when you put something whole with something whole, it will be whole.


Understanding love languages is a very simple concept, but one that can bring the necessary awareness and growth to any relationship. They are:

  1. Words of affirmation– using words to affirm someone else.
  2. Gifts– gift-giving as an expression of love.
  3. Acts of service– doing things for someone else that you know they would like for you to do (actions speak louder than words).
  4. Physical touch– loving someone through physical touch.
  5. Quality time– giving someone your undivided attention.

When we take the time to invest in ourselves and learn, the more intentional we can be in showing up for our loved ones, daily.

[amazon_link asins=’B07N22HJ3J,B07DCRNM1W,B01CR5O23Q,B071XC4537,B07N34SZXS,B07CX7XM63′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’99ea6386-f032-4c01-bbbe-3d21257413de’]

Here are a few of my favorite tips that could be beneficial for you and those you love this Valentine’s Day:

All the single ladies and gents-

  1. Do something that brings you joy. Whatever that looks like for you.
  2. Dig deep and get to know how you are best loved.
  3. Make yourself a [amazon_textlink asin=’B01N2M5M2E’ text=’cheesy Hallmark card‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’4fab80f3-3896-4af5-8c1f-21e9bf66b5e3′] and list 10 positive things that you love about yourself.
  4. Read new books or listen to new podcasts that can help enhance your knowledge in a specific area.
  5. Do something nice for someone else. Self-care and self-investment is huge in my opinion, but so is taking time to bless someone else. Sometimes, when we look to seeing how we can impact someone else’s life, it will ultimately bring us satisfaction.


If you are married or in a relationship, you can invest in yourself and look into loving your spouse or significant other the way that they need to be loved.

  1. Do something that brings you joy. Do something that brings your loved one joy.
  2. Dig deep and get to know how you are best loved.
  3. Pay attention to how your significant other is best loved, and do your best at loving them with intention and a good heart.
  4. [amazon_textlink asin=’0892811382′ text=’Spice things up a little bit in the bedroom‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’ee91f51a-9b6f-4b7f-a2bd-3e91560363d8′] (if you know what I’m saying).
  5. Plan something- a dinner, date night, weekend getaway. Anything. Putting time and effort into your relationship will produce a greater harvest.


How do you show up for yourself daily? How do you show up for others? How can you be the most loving spouse, parent, and friend, by taking the time to get to know yourself and how those in your life are best loved?


Love is in the air! Love yourself, love others, and spread joy wherever you go!


About The Author


Founder & author of the parenting & lifestyle blog, Poms2Moms. Christian, wife to Josh, mom to Mia and Boone. Find me writing about life as a new mom, fitness, and “fitness whole pizza in my mouth.” Cheers! – Cayla


  1. Kimmy Ripley (Give It A Whirl Girl) | 11th Feb 19

    This is inspiring me to have a little bit more fun in the bedroom with my hubby! We definitely need a bit more action but it is hard to find privacy with a 9 year-old around… lol!

    • Cayla | 19th Feb 19

      Haha, love it! I’m sure it can be extremely difficult to get some decent privacy once kids are older. Sending you some extra luck this week 😉

  2. Rachel at day2dayjoys | 11th Feb 19

    Great ideas! We recently did the enneagram test and it is helping us to understand each other better!

    • Cayla | 19th Feb 19

      Thanks for stopping by, Rachel! I’ve never taken this specific personality test, but now I’m intrigued to! These type of tests can help so much!

  3. Brittany | 11th Feb 19

    I am such a strong believer in knowing your partners love language! I absolutely love your ideas on how to have the best day

    • Cayla | 19th Feb 19

      Thanks so much, Brittany! It’s crucial to help make sure you’re loving your partner the way that they need to be loved…and to make sure we’re being loved the way that makes us feel most fulfilled!

  4. Tinashe Jaricha | 12th Feb 19

    Quite a good article. I agree with the idea that 2 wholes come together to make a whole. It’s similar to the concept of having a spouse complement you not complete you.

    I show up for myself though journalling, prayer and listening to podcasts and music that uplifts me and help me pursue my dreams.

    • Cayla | 19th Feb 19

      Thanks, Tinashe! You are so right. Journaling, prayer time, and listening to podcasts and music are ways that I recharge and practice self-care as well. I appreciate you taking the time to stop by and read!

  5. Jasmine Hewitt | 13th Feb 19

    knowing your partners love language really makes a huge difference!

    • Cayla | 19th Feb 19

      It really does…then they typically feel more loved and fulfilled! Do you and your partner have similar love languages?

  6. Jaclyn Musselman | 14th Feb 19

    I totally agree on the 5 Love Languages. There is a kid version that I have read too that is helpful in my relationships with my kids.

    • Cayla | 19th Feb 19

      Thanks for reading and for the recommendation, Jaclyn! I would love to read the kid’s version so I can best love my daughter the WAY that she needs to be loved!

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