25 Simple Ways to Improve Your Mental Health

Have you ever gone through a period of time where you’re just over it? Over the stress and busyness, over unrealistic expectations, over striving to be the Super Woman that everyone is hoping for? Do you feel like you need to improve your mental health?


Do you feel overworked and stretched too thin? Have you had a desire to throat-punch 50% of the people that you come in contact with? Do you just not feel your best?

As badass individuals, we’re all entitled to have off days and seasons…it makes us human.

You can be the most positive person and still occasionally experience these feelings. One minute you can have great faith and another minute, you can have great fear. Most of us may be facing things on the inside that seem impossible to overcome at times.

I’m passionate about bringing hope and encouragement to other moms and women in our community, and I believe that victory comes from being vulnerable and able to pour into our own mental wellness. Having different tips and tricks to help manage stress and overwhelming feelings can give us the strength to conquer these challenging times.


So, what can you do during these difficult seasons to overcome and get back on track?

Here are some simple and practical tools that can help improve your overall well being, especially when you need it most:

1). Exercise.

Walking, going to the gym, riding a bike, yoga, etc. are all great forms of exercise that can help your mental game in a significant way. Exercise releases endorphins, which makes us feel happier. There’s also great satisfaction that can come when accomplishing a healthy goal for ourselves. Even when you’re pregnant, exercise plays an important part of improving your mental health.

2) Sleep.

I don’t know about you, but after having a baby, I went from “Party-Animal” to “Granny-Animal” real quick. Good sleep allows you to feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to tackle the next day with more power.


(Side note: my dog is my life)

3). Read a book/Listen to a podcast.

Fill your mind with something positive, inspirational, and helpful. that will help bring advancement to

4). Put a positive twist on the situation.

An overwhelming situation can sometimes become manageable when looking at it from the right perspective. This can be challenging, but if you take a stressor and try and put a positive spin on it, it can improve your mental health.

5). Treat yourself.

Food makes people happy. I believe it’s okay to find comfort in your favorite treats, in moderation. A glass of red wine with some dark chocolate (or a large pepperoni pizza) instantly brings me to a happy place.


6).  Catch some rays.

Sunlight is a huge mood-booster. Sun exposure boosts the serotonin levels in your body, which can lead to improving your mental health.


7.) Retail therapy.

Can I get an “Amen??” It’s nice to change scenery and spend a little cash sometimes. There is something euphoric about walking down the golden aisles of Target, with a large Starbucks coffee in hand. #Basic.


8). Prioritize tasks and goals.

When becoming overwhelmed, it can be helpful to list out all that you have for the day or week, and prioritize it. Then, you can focus on getting one thing done at a time.

9). Hydrate.

Make it a habit to drink water throughout the day. Add some lemon or fruit for some flavor and extra benefits. When life gets busy, dehydration will only make things more difficult.

10). Quality time with others.

Enjoy spending time with your favorite people.


11). Quality time with yourself.

Enjoy time alone. Take time to relax, focus on yourself, and find peace in being mentally “off”.

12). Pray.

Pray through your frustration or struggle, and turn things over to the Lord.

“Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.” 1 Peter 5:7

13). Establish a hobby.

A hobby will always be a good place to go to clear your mind and do something enjoyable- whatever that looks like for you!  

14). Take a bubble bath or hot shower.

Relax, get rid of the stress, and start fresh.

15). Be thankful.

Although the everyday roles and responsibilities in your life can be chaotic at times, it’s important to stop and express gratitude. We have so much to be thankful for.

16). Redirect.

When things begin to get intense, sometimes it’s best to redirect ourselves to another task, assignment, person, place, or thing. Sometimes that redirection may bring you to a cozy spot on the couch, doing absolutely nothing, or going for a walk through the neighborhood to clear your mind. Our bodies are smart. Pay attention to your stress level, and know when to redirect yourself.


17). Set your routine.

Routines help with organization and can provide structure and stability. It’s nice to know what to expect during an average day.

18). Practice Grounding.

This is a therapeutic exercise that helps you to focus on the present moment, in order to help manage overwhelming feelings or stress. There are several different techniques that can be used, all come with many benefits that can help control an anxious mind.

19). Stretch.

A good deep stretch allows you to focus on your body and can help transform your mind into a relaxed and peaceful state.

20).  Take a mental health day.

Sometimes, this is totally necessary. Taking a day to recharge your batteries and get your mind right is just as important as going to see a Physician when you’re sick. A “personal snow day” can surprisingly give you the recharge you need to improve your mental health.

Mental-Health Day

21). Essential oils.

Therapeutic grade essential oils are safe and said to work wonders. Lavender and chamomile are great scents that can help relieve stress and anxiety that can improve your mental health almost immediately.

22). Journal.

Putting thoughts, especially anxious thoughts, to paper can be very freeing. Writing down and organizing thoughts can bring awareness and de-clutter your mind and help you improve your mental health.


23). Listen to Music.

Music soothes the soul. It can bring clarity and ease to an overactive mind. Try and blast some of your favorite music (maybe throw in your best dance move or two) and tell me you don’t feel a little better!

24).  Deep Breathe.

Not only is it important to stop and take a break, but to actually pause and breathe. Take long, deep inhales. It will help decrease your heart rate and supply more oxygen to your brain.

25). Seek additional treatment, if necessary.

Only you know how severe your own personal situation is. If you needed professional help, there are tons of resources out there- therapists, psychiatrists, support groups, treatment facilities, etc. I guarantee there will be something or someone out there who can help.

It’s important to recognize the need for help and self-care when needed, so we will be able to come out stronger on the other side! Victory requires vulnerability!

In order to become the best versions of ourselves, we need to make sure we stop to evaluate where we are mentally, and take advantage of the tools that work best for you.

Let’s shift our perspectives and turn difficult seasons around to improve your mental health. By utilizing the tips and tricks that work best for you, you can help manage your stress in a healthy way and reawaken your best self. Take time to focus on self-care and your mental health and be proud to learn new tools, adopt new behaviors, and become your very best!


About The Author


Founder & author of the parenting & lifestyle blog, Poms2Moms. Christian, wife to Josh, mom to Mia and Boone. Find me writing about life as a new mom, fitness, and “fitness whole pizza in my mouth.” Cheers! – Cayla


  1. Fahima | 7th Mar 19

    Nice post 👍🏼

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