The Ultimate – And Safe – Full Body Pregnancy Workout

When you find out you’re pregnant, exercising may not be the first thing that races through your mind. No pun intended. This is especially true during the first trimester because it seems like sleeping 24/7 wouldn’t even be enough. It can be very difficult to find the energy during pregnancy to get up and workout, but for me (and so many others), it was SO worth it.


Some may think working out while being pregnant is unnecessary. Think about it. It’s your time to relax and sleep (at least if it’s your first pregnancy,) eat whatever you want, and not feel bad about it. I definitely took my fair share of naps and indulged in tons of sweets and good Italian food, but also found that maintaining my workout routine came with so many benefits.

Some of my favorite classes to attend were (and still are) Barre, Body Pump, Spin, and Yoga. I tried to do at least 30 minutes of cardio and a class 2-3 times per week; sometimes more if I was feeling up to the challenge.

Many agree that the second trimester comes with a boost of energy. Of course that constant tiredness is still a huge pregnancy symptom, but I definitely felt more drive and energy compared to the first three months. This extra energy made it much easier for me to stay motivated and get to the gym. Somehow, by the grace of The Pregnancy Lords, I seemed to feel better and more energetic the more pregnant I became. Weird right?!

Towards the end of my pregnancy, I mainly stuck to Barre classes and walking. It was a great way to stay active and relieve stress (and help with those wonderful, pleasant pregnancy hormones). I truly believe working out is what helped me have a smooth pregnancy, delivery, and recovery.

If you choose to workout, it’s important to know your limitations and to stick with low intensity, low weight exercises.


Here are 3 top-level options for safe pregnancy exercises that could be beneficial during your pregnancy and post pregnancy:

A.) Walking/elliptical 

It’s recommended to walk 30-60 minutes a day. Walking is therapeutic, good for your body, and can help get that baby out when it’s time!

B.) Planks

Hold side and/or front planks for 1 minute each (depending on your comfort level).

C.) Weights

3 sets of 12-15 reps, using 3, 5, or 8 lb weights (or whatever you’re most comfortable with.) If you have dumbbells at home, you won’t even need to leave your house! Need help getting started with weightlifting? Don’t forget to check out Karey’s post on conquering weightlifting for newbies.

Since this is also my specialty, here are a few go-to’s for freeweights and toning:


1.) Arms:

-Bicep curls

-Hammer curls

-Variation of curls (bicep, hammer, static)

-Tricep extensions/dips

-Skull crushers

2.) Shoulders:

-Shoulder press (or Arnold press)

-Front raises

-Lateral raises

-Shoulder flys

-Upright rows

3.) Chest:

-Chest press

-Push ups/modified push ups

-Chest flys

4.) Back:

-Back flys

-Single-arm rows/seated rows


5.) Legs/Booty



-Calf raises

-Hip bridges

-Donkey kicks

Videos of these exercises can be found on YouTube (fo’ free!)  Be sure to discuss your workout plans with your doctor and reach out to your personal trainer to avoid injury.

There are so many benefits for you and your baby to exercise and maintain a safe and consistent workout routine while pregnant (or while trying to get pregnant.) If you’re interested, it could be fun to get an accountability partner (maybe another mommy,) keep a food and exercise journal and challenge each other throughout the week.


Don’t be afraid to push yourself, your body, and other mommies (with your doctor’s consent, of course.) You are strong! And your baby will be too! As long as you feel healthy and energized, drink plenty of water, and know your limits… working out while pregnant can be so helpful!

Remember, it’s also perfectly okay to sit back, relax, and enjoy your favorite goodies as well. That’s the beauty about having a baby…it’s up to you and you can have the best of both worlds!

What type of exercises do you find to be most beneficial for you while pregnant? What about postpartum? Share them here!


About The Author


Founder & author of the parenting & lifestyle blog, Poms2Moms. Christian, wife to Josh, mom to Mia and Boone. Find me writing about life as a new mom, fitness, and “fitness whole pizza in my mouth.” Cheers! – Cayla