
The Look That Became A Lesson

A few weeks ago things were not going as planned at all. We were missing Wednesday night church services for our last swim lesson and basically [amazon_textlink asin=’1719369291′ text=’fit hit the shan‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’5ff6bb5e-89f8-11e8-a157-77860ad26577′].

Because We Were Called: A Message About The Role Of A Parent

Do you ever experience feelings of inadequacy or believing that there’s more out there for your life? I have always battled with this internal struggle to some degree, until my true calling came to me packaged in a beautiful, healthy, 6lb 10oz, baby girl.

Hey Mom, What’s Your Legacy?

With Mother’s Day coming up, I’ve been thinking much deeper into what it means to be a mother.

How I Survived Becoming A “2U2” Mom


Here’s how it all went down. Risden was 11 months old. At this time I was still breastfeeding; however, my milk supply was sinking faster than my bank account after a trip to Target. I tried all of the tricks to increase your milk supply like guzzling tons of water, pumping more frequently, and taking Fenugreek. Sadly, these tricks didn’t help like I hoped they would, and the milk seemed to disappear before my eyes.

7 Ways To Take Control Of Your Thoughts

Did you know it has been estimated that the average human being has around 50,000 thoughts per day? (That’s insane!)

You may not have realized the scale of that number, but have you ever considered the kinds of thoughts you allow into your mind? How many of the 50,000 are positive? How many are negative?

5 Areas To Pray Over Your Unborn (and Grown) Child

It can be difficult to have complete peace and not worry while you are pregnant. I found myself constantly worrying about everything relating to my unborn child.  I would wonder if she was okay in there.  Was she getting all that she needed?  Was she moving around enough?, etc. I realized how important it was to fully turn my worry and anxiety over to God and allow myself to completely TRUST Him.

Love More & Worry Less

You know the feeling…The one where your heart is going to explode because you love your children so much. There really aren’t any words to fully express how much love and joy you feel for your kids. It’s truly unfathomable. Such great love for our babies also brings about great protection for them too. Enter: MAMA BEAR.