Hey Mom, What’s Your Legacy?

With Mother’s Day coming up, I’ve been thinking much deeper into what it means to be a mother.

It’s much more than changing diapers, saying “No”, doing laundry, or finding snacks deep down in your purse for your kids.

Have you ever asked yourself what legacy you will leave for your family?

There are generations of women in my family that have left (and are leaving) a legacy that my tiny feet will never fill.  My grandma and my mom are two ladies who come to mind.



My grandma was an incredible servant until the day she died.  My cousin and I would spend an entire week at her house every summer (aka we were burning up all week because old folks leave the AC on 85 degrees…).  

Of all the times we spent with her, I remember most what she did for other people. She was constantly serving my Grandfather and us. She made every single meal (can we say Nutty Buddy pie!) for us and delivered it to the table.  She cleaned up, happily, and never asked for help. My grandma had an incredible garden that she tended to every day (and I wish she was here to help me with mine).


On top of her home duties, she was a servant of the Lord.  She was a faithful church-goer and I swear she rarely missed a Sunday service. Her roots ran deep in the church as she was on every board, in every meeting, and cooking every meal for different events. She delivered Meals-On-Wheels to folks who needed it the most and took my cousin and I along with her.  

I didn’t know it at the time, but now I know I was witnessing what would be her legacy long after she was gone.

My grandma was truly a special lady and I think about her often.  Her rose garden, her laugh, her funny phrases (Mighty good!), and her legacy.  She left a legacy of service.


My mom taught me everything I needed to know about working hard.  She often regrets not “being there” for every single event my brother and I had as a kid or unable to travel with us as much as she would have liked.  

But you know what? Without her example and commitment to helping support our family, I can assure you I wouldn’t be the same person I am today. She has proven to the world that you can be a working mom and still raise your children. 

It’s so easy as a mom to regret things as your kids are growing up but you do what you have to at the moment. She confidently showed me that I can be a put together career-woman and still have a family at home. My mom has proven to me that I can have it all.

My mom is a beautiful lady, inside and out.  She’s the reason I’m half the mom I am today and the reason I love being a mom to Cambria. All those times we spent together, just her and I, were so special.

Now that I’m a mom, I catch myself doing the same thing with Cam.  I love picking out matching jammies and getting frozen dinners to snuggle up on the couch and watch a special movie while Daddy is out of town.

My mom could made a simple weekend into something I looked forward to and now those are my most cherished memories.  

Have you ever thought about your legacy?  It’s been on my mind lately so I thought I would hammer down some questions to help you identify yours:


What do you LOVE to do?

My grandma had an amazing garden and my mom loves planting flowers and having her yard look nice.  Guess what? I’m obsessed with that, too. You’d be surprised how something you love to do turns into your child’s favorite thing as an adult.


What have you done for others?

Sometimes your legacy is simply what you’ve done for other people.  Set the example while your children are young and they’ll become twice as giving.

How do you want people to remember you?

I surely don’t want Cam to remember me by my constant nagging or frustrating moments.  I’d want her to remember that above all else, I loved her and our family the most. I love spending time with them and nothing can replace that to me. Memories are most important over anything she could ever buy me.


What can you start that will be a [amazon_textlink asin=’1494981718′ text=generational‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’2c6f7107-50ba-11e8-a878-25e6f6d19959′] gift for many years to come?

At the marriage conference Demetrius and I went to, this question was presented and we both have been thinking on it from time to time.  What will we leave for our child(ren) and grandchildren and great grandchildren? What legacy will they remember about us as a couple? This could be a family business, land, real estate, etc.   We’re still working on this one…

What traditions will your family have?

Making new traditions is something Demetrius and I have always tried to do.  A tradition doesn’t have to be a big huge party or some formal thing. For example, we buy family Christmas pajamas on December 1st. We open one gift on Christmas Eve and make a big breakfast on Christmas Day (something my dad always did for us). 

On my mom’s side, we always try to get together around Christmas or Thanksgiving to eat and drink and do a fun gift exchange.  I love combining old traditions and adding in new ones as you go.


What worldly items will you leave for your children?

You’re never too young to draft a will.  Leaving a will and monetary accounts for your children is an honorable thing to do.  As hard as it is to make ends meet sometimes, do what you can to care for them well after you’ve left this world.  We’ve always been a “just in case” type family and have everything set up for Cam for when Jesus calls us home.

More than likely, you’re already living a piece of your legacy that you’ll be remembered by. Sometimes focusing on what you will leave behind, both physically and spiritually,  helps push you forward to complete your next goal or make new ones to achieve.

What are some unique traditions you have with your family that will form your legacy?  I’d love some new ideas!


About The Author


Founder & author of the parenting & lifestyle blog, Poms2Moms. Loves the sunshine, time with friends, practicality, and and the occasional designer shoe. Find me writing about my babies (1 human, 2 furry,) food & fitness, and life in the NFL. Cheers! – Shelley


  1. Kristi Ann | 7th May 18

    This is so beautiful! I love how you are inspired by your mom and grandmother. I hope to inspire others as well. For my legacy, I would like to know that I followed God’s plan for my life, loved fiercely, and helped to inspire those I come into contact with to do the same.

    • Shelley | 7th May 18

      I love that! It’s so crazy think deeper into why we’re here and what our purpose is. It’s so much more than working and raising little people!

  2. Stephanie | 7th May 18

    This is such a sweet read! How blessed tp have two shining and very different examples of wonderful women in your life! Such good food for thought on what we will leave behind.

  3. Melissa | 7th May 18

    Wow, this is such a beautiful post. I can honestly say I never thought too much about this but man oh man I want to leave a good legacy, don’t we all, time to really start acting on this idea.
    Thank you for sharing

    • Shelley | 9th May 18

      Definitely- it’s never too late to act!

  4. Neha Tambe | 7th May 18

    That’s a wonderful thought! I never thought about it this way, but yes we need to leave a strong example for our children.

    • Shelley | 9th May 18

      Totally! Women are slowly taking over the world!

  5. Miriam | 7th May 18

    This post is absolutely beautiful. I have tears in my eyes thinking of my own grandmother and her legacy. I need to start leading by example just like all the amazing women that came before us! Thank you for sharing this with us ❤️

    • Shelley | 9th May 18

      Miriam, thanks for reading- I’m so glad you enjoyed it. It’s so easy to just run through the days and only think about where you’re headed around New Years. But nothing like a fresh perspective.

  6. Lee Ann Gelinne | 8th May 18

    Beautiful, Shelley! Grandma would be so proud of you.

    • Shelley | 9th May 18

      Thanks! I sure do miss her!

  7. McKayla | 8th May 18

    Love this! I’m a firm believer that every person should try to leave a good impression on the world, and try to do as much good as possible. Also, I love the respect you have for your grandma, I too was very close to my grandmother. They’re the best!

    • Shelley | 9th May 18

      Grandmothers are the best, right? My grandma was a total unicorn and I swear she could do it all!

  8. Lisa @ https://meandmymomfriends.com | 8th May 18

    Absolutely lovely post! You are lucky to have such strong women role models. This really made me think about what my legacy will be. Thank you!

    • Shelley | 9th May 18

      Lisa, I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading!

  9. Chantal | 8th May 18

    This was so sweet!! I want my girls to remember that I didn’t give up. Everything that I have done so far has been with the both of them in mind.

    • Shelley | 9th May 18

      Ohhhh, that’s a great one! SUCH an important reminder for little girls. Us women are SO resilient.

  10. Seany | 9th May 18

    I love this post so much!!! It’s beautifully written and really got me thinking 💗

    • Shelley | 9th May 18

      Thank you! I enjoyed writing something a little deeper this time around.

  11. Stacey | 13th May 18

    This is such a beautiful tribute to you mom & especially your Grandma! It seems like your legacy is making sure your daughter knows all about the great women who came before her. I love this idea. I’m going to think about it today while I “rest”! Happy Mother’s Day.

    • Shelley | 15th May 18

      Totally! I love the idea of passing on generational talents and gifts. If nothing else, making sure she knows where she came from! Hope you had a super restful Mother’s Day!

  12. Katy | 13th May 18

    You sound like you have a family.of amazing women yourself included.
    I often wonder how my kids will think of me when theyre grown up. I hope they remember a mama that worked hard for her family bit always had time to play.

    • Shelley | 15th May 18

      Isn’t that scary sometimes? These little people are soon going to form an opinion about us! I love that- it’s so hard to sit down and play sometimes when you’ve got a million other things to do. Very important to remember.

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