The Importance Of Being Your Child’s Cheerleader

I can’t help but tear up as I write this, because to me, there is no greater role than the one I have as being a mother. It’s without a doubt, the ultimate badge of pride and the highest-ranked position I can ever assume. That’s why it may not be “so” surprising that one of my biggest ambitions is to be a  cheerleader for my daughter.


Let’s switch gears for a second. What do you think of when the word “cheerleader” comes to mind? Two visions instantly flood mine: 1.) a pompous princess prancing around like a gazelle yelling obnoxious statements in an octave too high for social acceptance (don’t worry, we’ve all been there), or 2). a badass woman (cough cough…like the Poms2Moms ladies) who strives to live their best life and help others reach their full potential in any given situation (while also maybe showing off a cool skill or two here and there).

(Photo cred: Michelle Porter Photography)

If you’ve cheered the majority of your life or coach a sport, I’m sure it has permanently instilled a desire to promote positivity, encouragement, motivation, and enthusiasm in all areas.

So, now that I’m a parent, I see no other way than to be my child’s #1 cheerleader in life.

The more prominent parental roles, such as baby-rocker, snuggle-partner, food-supplier, laundry-doer, tear-wiper, educator, booboo-kisser, bath-giver, song-singer, book-reader, cute clothes-buyer, obsessive picture-taker, and protector naturally come with the territory. But, my favorite role is being my daughter’s cheerleader; truly, her #1 fan above all others.

I take so much pride in praying over my little girl and making it a priority to speak life into her daily, by fully and genuinely pouring into her life in every way that I possibly can. I’ve prayed the same prayers and have made the same bold statements over her life since she was in my belly. The power that those words carry are significant.

I want her to grow up strong, confident, and assured that she is great, she is loved, and that she is destined to do great and mighty things. I want her to know, without a doubt, that her life has immense significance.

Call me a softy, but I rarely get through our nightly routine with a dry face. I can’t help it! I’m so proud of the little human she is and I want her to be so confident in the fact that God created her uniquely and perfectly. Every night after I pray, I remind her that she is sweet, beautiful, uniquely-designed, intelligent, equipped, has a purpose, and that she is loved beyond measure.

I believe the foundation for positive attributes in our children, such as generosity, confidence, appreciation, warmth, kindness, and helpfulness, start with us, as parents. Plus, investing and pouring into my little one brings me overflowing joy. I want her to know that her Mama is IN her corner, and thinks the absolute WORLD of her.

Being her #1 cheerleader has also increased my confidence in being a parent; it substantially decreases my anxiety over her life by relinquishing some control. I am able to TRUST that the Lord has His hand over her life. Wow, what a blessing it is to have that peace!

I’ve also found that the best way to increase your faith is to remind yourself of what God has already done in your life. I’ve seen firsthand how faithful He is and how prayers can be answered; I’m reminded of it every time I see my daughter’s sweet face.

Speaking of answered prayers…do you want to know a little secret??

I soon get to be a cheerleader for ANOTHER perfect angel.


YES! I’ve graciously been given the opportunity to be a mother and #1 fan to a second little babe! We’ve prayed and trusted in God’s perfect timing, and couldn’t be more excited!

“For this child, I have prayed.” 1 Samuel 1:27

It gives me so much joy and peace to be able to pray and speak life over my babies. I want what I believe and speak over them to be selfless, caring, uplifting, and unconditional!

God has BIG plans for your life. He has even bigger ones for the little humans that you get to raise and pour into!

There are so many wonderful things you can proclaim over your child, and it’s never too early to begin! What do you enjoy praying for most?


About The Author


Founder & author of the parenting & lifestyle blog, Poms2Moms. Christian, wife to Josh, mom to Mia and Boone. Find me writing about life as a new mom, fitness, and “fitness whole pizza in my mouth.” Cheers! – Cayla


  1. william schrader | 13th Nov 19

    That was beautiful, You have always been special and you my dear, are a gift from God.

  2. Lisa | 13th Nov 19

    Congratulations on your pregnancy and a new little bundle of joy! So much truth and wisdom in this post – the prayers of moms are so important.

  3. Kelly Bolen | 13th Nov 19

    What a beautiful post! And so true!

  4. Karen | 14th Nov 19

    What a beautiful family! Our children are such a treasure for sure!

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