I’m Canceling Christmas And Here’s Why

No, I’m not Ebeneezer Scrooge. I actually LOVE Christmas. I love decorating my house and the [amazon_textlink asin=’B000JDGC78′ text=’smell of a pine candle‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’2154cb27-b04f-11e8-8ef0-a555d932a12e’]… I REALLY love getting Christmas cards in the mail and spending extra time with family. I love celebrating Jesus’ birthday and lighting the advent candle and remembering the reason we celebrate. I really do enjoy Christmas and the hype surrounding it. But this year, I’m canceling Christmas and here’s why…




This idea of “canceling Christmas” came a few months ago as I was putting cash in an envelope to label “Christmas” and squirrel away in my closet. I like to save for Christmas all year long because HELLO, I know it’s coming. We typically end up spending a couple thousand more in December than a usual month on gifts, food, traveling, etc. I like to be prepared, so I throw money away each month to make it easier.

I walked out of my closet to find my daughter laying in the middle of the floor playing with an entire stack of paper plates. I turned and noticed the door to the “playroom” was wide open, a complete disaster, and filled with toys scattered all over the floor.


And that’s when it hit me.

Why would I spend another dime on toys that aren’t taken care of?  Toys that end up getting strewn across the floor and left for dead. The destiny of most of the tiny plastic toys is my dog’s mouth for jaw exercises. Why waste my money?!

Like most kids, my daughter has lots of toys- some that she plays with and most that she doesn’t. [amazon_textlink asin=’B01E07KYKO’ text=’She still plays in my Tupperware‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’340c1740-b050-11e8-a26e-ab7231ab7085′] and pretends Tigger is her baby. Everyday, she puts a Pull Up on him and serves him “breakfast” from those same paper plates I caught her with. She uses paper towels as a blanket when she puts him to “sleep” (yes, we actually own blankets).

This realization helped me decide that doesn’t need a whole new stash of toys just because it’s Christmas.


Thinking back, I could barely remember any of the gifts my parents gave me for Christmas. There were a few things that stuck out of course, but for the most part, I couldn’t tell you what I “got”.

What I DO remember is the time we took a trip to the North Carolina mountains (Boone, of course) for Christmas. We stayed on a ski resort (although we don’t ski) and I remember looking out at the slopes at the fresh snow and pine trees. It was a special trip because we had never taken a Christmas vacation before. My brother and I didn’t care that we only got but 1 or two gifts (ironically, these gifts I actually DO remember) but we loved exploring a new place and that Santa “found us” even when we were out of town. I don’t have those toys anymore but what I do have is the memories that we shared together as a family that year.

And to me, that’s what Christmas is about.


So, this year, I’m canceling Christmas. We’re not doing a traditional present opening round robin and taking a mid afternoon nap. I want to go out and gain experiences, not gifts. I want Cam to see more of the world and to remember the trips and memories we’ve shared together.

We’ve already taken lots of trips with her and she’s seen more than most two-year-olds. I love watching the awe in her eyes when she sees something new and exciting or when she’s experiencing something she only thought existed on television. I love getting to relive my childhood through her eyes and spend precious time together.


Don’t get me wrong, [amazon_textlink asin=’B071CVGNLY’ text=’we will still get matching pajamas‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’d072b2d3-b050-11e8-9f55-e3f0cb634e6c’], do family photos, head to church and do a gift or two. Oh, and my house will absolutely be decorated with more than 2 trees.

I decided I’m going to put the money I’ve saved to a fun family trip. Instead of watching Cam’s reaction to a room full of toys that she won’t care about in a week, I’m gonna give her a memory she’ll (hopefully) never forget. The usual “Christmas” routine is out the window and a new tradition is on the way.


So this year, I’m canceling Christmas.

Has anyone else changed their family Christmas tradition?


About The Author


Founder & author of the parenting & lifestyle blog, Poms2Moms. Loves the sunshine, time with friends, practicality, and and the occasional designer shoe. Find me writing about my babies (1 human, 2 furry,) food & fitness, and life in the NFL. Cheers! – Shelley


  1. Kiersten | 4th Sep 18

    I don’t have any kids but my parents canceled Christmas when I was a teenager. It’s been nice over the last few years. We’ve focused on spending time with family and God and it’s better. It helps remind us of the real meaning of Christmas and not the commercialized version of it.

    • Shelley | 5th Sep 18

      I agree 100%! SOO commercialized! I wonder how many kids don’t realize the real purpose or reason behind Christmas!

  2. Jennifer Morrison | 4th Sep 18

    Gret post! Throughout the years we have Christmas’s with a lot of gifts, and Christmas with few gifts. My kids are grown now, but memories were still made on another type of Christmas. Enjoy your trip and the awesome memories! Plus, fewer toys to clean up! 🙂

    • Shelley | 5th Sep 18

      Yes! Fewer toys and fewer stuff to have to clean out! Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Katie | 4th Sep 18

    I totally agree! Such a great idea! Take all the trips!

    • Shelley | 5th Sep 18

      All. The. Trips! I’m actually dying to go back to Disney World so that may be where we end up!

  4. Jasmine Hewitt | 5th Sep 18

    it sounds like you have the right priorities in mind! I love this!

    • Shelley | 5th Sep 18

      Thanks Jasmine! I hope my family enjoys it, too!

  5. Cassie | 5th Sep 18

    Great idea, making memories rather than getting gifts is so much more rewarding. Love that you’re doing this 🙂

    • Shelley | 5th Sep 18

      Thanks, Cassie. I’m looking forward to making a change!

  6. Beth | 5th Sep 18

    Sounds like you’ll be creating some awesome memories for all of you! You probably are familiar with the 4 Gifts for Christmas challenge, but if not, I think it would be something you’d like! You give four gifts: one they want, one they need, one to wear, and one to read.

    • Shelley | 5th Sep 18

      Beth, I hadn’t heard of it until people were responding to this blog post! I think that is so neat- I apparently have just been so stuck in the way my childhood was that I thought it was the only way to do it!

  7. Keating | 6th Sep 18

    I love your point of view so much!! Although I don’t think I could give up our big traditional Christmases haha my sisters and I actually do remember a vast majority of what we got growing up and we loved spending the day in our pj’s, sitting in front of a fire with our gifts. My parents also always made us go through our belongings probably around this time of year (early to mid-September) and donate the items we no longer used or wanted which is another tradition I look forward to having with our daughter. Gifts or no gifts, our holidays were absolutley filled with memories and spending time together so it’s something we definitely plan to continue with our daughter 🙂

  8. Bailey | 6th Sep 18

    That’s such a fun idea! I love the idea of giving “experiences” at Christmas.

    • Shelley | 9th Sep 18

      Thanks Bailey! I love Christmas but I think I’m ready for something different. I loved our tradition as a kid but I sure won’t be able to keep up with all the gifts and “stuff”!

  9. Beth Cooper | 8th Sep 18

    Unplugging the Christmas Tree was a class at my church when the oldest was a baby. So, we always limited gifts to 1 from Santa, 1 from brother, 1 from mom and 1 from dad. Other fun ideas included putting out the creche without baby Jesus and letting the kids find him or add him on Christmas eve.

    • Shelley | 9th Sep 18

      That’s such a great idea! I’ve learned so much about different traditions and I’m loving it! Thanks for sharing.

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