How To Dominate A Last Minute Disney Trip

Within our group of friends, we made a promise that before we departed each trip or occasion, we would plan our next “friendcation” to give us something to look forward to. So back in November, when we celebrated “Friendsgiving” in North Carolina, we decided everyone would come to our house in Jacksonville and take the kids on a day trip to Disney in April.



While we had the plan to go to Disney for several months, 2 weeks before the date, we realized we had done NOTHING to plan for trip. No tickets. No travel arrangements. No logistics.

We finally went online, ordered tickets and booked fast passes for the things we thought our 3 girls (2 and 3 years old) would love. We ended up having major travel changes last minute and had to cancel our passes and go to the park on a different day. We were FINALLY set to make our trip to Orlando 2 days before.

We ended up with 6 adults and 3 toddlers and had the BEST time ever.  I can’t think of one thing I would have done differently.

We were VERY cautiously optimistic this would be a fun trip (because #toddlers) but we all shared some really fun memories with our friends & family. Although our plans were sorta last minute, we realized it doesn’t take much planning to have a GREAT time.


So, how did we do it?  Plan an entire Disney day trip in just 48 hours?  Here’s our secret:


1.) Travel:

In true last minute fashion, we rented a van on Thursday to be picked up on Friday. (Again, we were driving from Jacksonville to Orlando, which is approximately a 2 hour drive.) We got lucky and found a 15 passenger at Alamo for $168 for the weekend! We wanted to ALL stay together and validated that renting a van would have ended up saving us money as compared to the amount of money we would have spent paying for gas and parking, separately.

Needless to say, the van was LEGIT and a lot of fun. Oh, and if one little person vomits in the van on the way, don’t let it ruin your trip.They’ll end up having the best day ever and not actually be sick like suspected (don’t ask us how we know…).

2.) Disney Apparel:  

We didn’t want to spend a million dollars on matching dresses but knew it was essential for the cute factor. Jenny got the dresses from Old Navy for 50% off and Trisha hooked us up with sparkly [amazon_textlink asin=’B0751RL7NN’ text=’vinyl‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’ac48a86e-469e-11e8-9db7-7f2d1334dd74′] decals for the front & back that we ironed on the night before. BAM. $10 dress and [amazon_textlink asin=’B014CL82MK’ text=’Chuck Taylors‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’d7323906-469e-11e8-9a55-b35e5dc304e1′] they all already had.


3.) Stroller:  

It’s essential.  I don’t care if your kid can pass the fitness test at school with top honors by running 3 miles in 5 minutes, bring a stroller.  We ALL have the [amazon_textlink asin=’B019EZD7Y2′ text=’Bob Stroller‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’d7ab1ddf-469f-11e8-90fa-29ee212bac09′] and couldn’t live without it.

It’s not sleek by any means but is rugged and will help you breeze through the concrete jungle of magic and mouse ears. It’s the PERFECT place for a sleepy toddler mid afternoon snooze because you can lean them back in the stroller, it’s SUPER easy to maneuver, really comfortable for the kids, and the [amazon_textlink asin=’B00F9Q3ETE’ text=’console‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’7e5cf3db-46a1-11e8-a50f-93aad3fcc057′] makes a really handy place to put your drinks and phones for easy access.

[amazon_link asins=’B019EZD7Y2,B01BQLPMPO,B074MF4M4Q,B019EZD7T2,B01BSPDOQM,B00F9Q3ETE,B01HHV456E,B00KJB0PTG’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’86bab4e5-9fb5-11e8-8e4e-41bafbf3068f’]

4.) Snacks:  

If you’ve been a mom for more than 5 minutes, you know you better pack some snacks.

We had an entire bag of snacks, fruit, chips, etc and let the kids eat off of their Bob [amazon_textlink asin=’B004LT5330′ text=’snack tray‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’43a4c26d-46a1-11e8-be8e-013be36d39bb’] that attaches to the stroller.

We also froze 2 gallons of water the night before and threw them in the bottom of the Bob. Throughout the day, it melted and we poured it in our [amazon_textlink asin=’B0764NZ8QV’ text=’bottles‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’2b0fe1df-46a1-11e8-ba3a-49dbc96b5654′] for drinking.

Guess how much money we spent on (non-alcoholic) drinks? $0!

[amazon_link asins=’B004LT5330,B004LT4XQS,B00KJB0PTG,B00F9Q3ETE,B00KLO5F78,B01BPCN0FI’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’bf145ddc-9fb5-11e8-966e-8b922ff5252d’]

5.) Parking:  

Preferred Parking is $45 and TOTALLY worth it.  Icing on the cake is you get 1 bottle of water for each person in the car and you roll right up (aka skip the tram ride.) Then, it’s only a 1-2 minute walk to the ticket plaza.  As a semi-regular Disney attendee, I’ll never go back to regular-ass parking again.

  • Magic-Kingdom

6.) Tickets:

We were SO last minute ordering, we didn’t have time for our [amazon_textlink asin=’B00VN1L1KI’ text=’tickets‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’2f7bbcd1-46a0-11e8-9fb9-3fb4e37702c9′] to be mailed to us (apparently 2-day Disney Prime isn’t a thing).

We wanted to avoid having the littles waiting around in line so we chose to divide & conquer.  As soon as we parked, the guys hopped out and headed straight for the ticket counter. Meanwhile, we got the girls ready and the [amazon_textlink asin=’B073NTRQT6′ text=’bags‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’b7ab2e57-46a4-11e8-b42a-713df7af35d0′] & strollers all packed up.

By the time we got to ticketing, our Prince Charming(s) were there waiting to carry us off into the sunset.  And best part? Their wait in line was only 15 minutes! (So don’t let the line at the park discourage you. Remember: this was a SATURDAY!)

[amazon_link asins=’B0749NXWS7,B074SH5QXC,B071DQSWS3,B076GYX2X3,B0127OZX7Q,B06XPDDJX3′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’4e771008-9fb6-11e8-84fe-87319de41f46′]

7.) Fast Passes:

We chose to start with Ariel’s Grotto ride and would definitely recommend doing this one first! Then, we separated to meet the kid’s favorite characters (Tigger & Pooh for us *shocker* and Ariel for Lilly & Aubrey).

After that, we had a fast pass for Aladdin’s Magic Carpet and meeting Cinderella and Elena.  Word on the street is the line for Cinderella is always SUPER long so that was definitely a great choice.

The best advice I could give is booking your Fast Passes as close together as possible in the morning so you can BOOK MORE when you finish your first three. (You can only book three timeslots at a time!)

8.) Afternoon Break:

Our resident “alcohol reconnaissance guy” managed to scout out all of the restaurants that serve an “enhanced” experience (aka adult beverages) and made a reservation on the spot for 2:30.  We don’t know if we just got lucky or if he has impeccable persuasive skills, but we were SO grateful for a break.

Jenny & Kaitlin headed to the Mother’s Room to [amazon_textlink asin=’B077M5QKVQ’ text=’pump‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’74f9807b-46a0-11e8-b9d1-8189cf022cba’] (they brought [amazon_textlink asin=’B074TWMKMG’ text=’coolers‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’911a9519-46a0-11e8-911e-c9e5f3ff3314′] for the milk), David & Drew took the girls to the Swiss Treehouse and Demetrius and I stayed behind to wait on our table while Cam snoozed in the stroller.

We got our table in the air conditioning, ordered drinks & appetizers (ice cream for the girls) and were able to recharge our batteries (both physically and [amazon_textlink asin=’B01JB2459Y’ text=’phone‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’bc74b9b5-46a3-11e8-b9ae-2dee7f38285f’]) to make it through the rest of the day.

  • Konetchy-Disney

9.) Weather:

Don’t let the weather ruin your day!  The night before, the weather in Orlando was calling for RAIN. 80% chance all day long! We were all bracing for the absolute worst and prepared by packing extra [amazon_textlink asin=’B01MQJINWL’ text=’clothes‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’a06eb9ed-46a1-11e8-85e2-6712fa8028e2′], trash bags to keep the strollers dry (I wish we had [amazon_textlink asin=’B000GKU0H2′ text=’this‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’b2374b5f-46a0-11e8-a42d-1944f3da4bac’]), and umbrellas.

But guess what? The weather was absolutely beautiful. There were some clouds here and there but the only thing that got us wet was the camel spit on Aladdin’s Magic Carpet ride and the explosions in Pirates of the Caribbean (yep, you read that correctly… explosions). It’s not exactly kid friendly.

  • Disney-Ride

10.) Dining/Characters:

Because of our last minute status, we didn’t have reservations anywhere… (GASP!)  Although we initially wanted to sign the girls up for the princess lunch, I think we’re all glad we didn’t. We would have spent $60 each for a buffet when instead we ended up having a delicious, quick lunch and saw the princesses throughout the park or in the street parades.

The kids didn’t care and were just excited to get to meet a few of them. And if they questioned us, the princesses were napping. (Sleeping Beauty happens to be a favorite of one of the littles, so this was a mere convenience.)

PS- We saved another $60 by not purchasing a princess dress in the park because you can get them WAY [amazon_textlink asin=’B075R4S7KV’ text=’cheaper‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’3cab6f25-46f5-11e8-a3b6-4d10c9d3d268′].

And if there’s one thing we learned:  don’t let “the [amazon_textlink asin=’1973749122′ text=’dads‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’a1d2c119-46a2-11e8-bbfc-330eec8c7fc1′]” choose a ride during your down time. We ended up going on Pirates of the Caribbean and while it was REALLY cool, it’s definitely NOT great for toddlers.

In his defense, the Disney App says it’s good for all ages and has small drops, but we totally disagree. It’s dark, had a bigger than expected drop (in the pitch black) and was littered with drunken, imprisoned pirates, explosions and firing cannons. The girls were NOT a fan and Kaitlin was praying for the YouTube Kids gods to grace her with some cell service mid ride.

Needless to say, we probably won’t be doing that next time.

As you can see, we had the BEST day ever.  Disney is truly a magical place and there’s really nothing like seeing pure joy in your child’s eyes when they see their favorite character or experience a new ride for the first time.

We laughed, we cried, we ate, we drank, but more importantly, we made lasting memories with each other that we’ll never forget.


What’s your biggest Disney trick or secret?  We’d love to hear about it!


About The Author


Founder & author of the parenting & lifestyle blog, Poms2Moms. Loves the sunshine, time with friends, practicality, and and the occasional designer shoe. Find me writing about my babies (1 human, 2 furry,) food & fitness, and life in the NFL. Cheers! – Shelley


  1. JLyn | 23rd Apr 18

    We just got back from a 5 day trip to Disneyland/California Adventure/Legoland/SeaWorld. We also had young kids with us and it was so much fun!

    • Shelley | 24th Apr 18

      Oh that sounds awesome! Disneyland is DEFINITELY on our to do list!

  2. Danielle | 23rd Apr 18

    Those dresses are too cute! Such a great idea. And I love the “enhanced experience”. We will be going back in October, and those will certainly be a must 🙂

    • Shelley | 24th Apr 18

      YES! That’s literally what the waitress told us. They only have beer and wine because apparently Magic Kingdom was Walt Disney’s premier park and had very strict rules on it being family friendly. Epcot on the other hand… 🙂

  3. Lisa Wingerter @ | 23rd Apr 18

    These are great tips. Most people agonize over the details for months. This is a nice guide for anyone who doesn’t have the time or energy to spend that kind of time planning!

    • Shelley | 24th Apr 18

      It’s actually more fun this way because if something doesn’t go as you planned, you tend to get disappointed. Therefore, we had no plans and were pleased in every way possible!

  4. Emily | Lil Mama Bear Blog | 23rd Apr 18

    What a sweet family. Looks like your trip was amazing! I’m super impressed that you pulled it off. Lol

    • Shelley | 24th Apr 18

      We had the best time! I think we had low expectations because you just never know what kind of mood a toddler is going to give you BUT they were angels and had so much fun.

  5. Maria | 23rd Apr 18

    Amazing that you were able to plan in such a short amount of time! I would’ve freaked out. We have been thinking about taking the kids to Disney this year and this would be so helpful!! I always wondered if the fast passes were a scam but after reading this and other posts, it definitely seems like it’s a must have! Thanks for sharing!!

    • Shelley | 24th Apr 18

      I’m definitely a last minute queen and always have been! The fast passes will ensure you get to do the things your kids love the most and help schedule out the rest of the day. You won’t regret it!

  6. Cayla | 23rd Apr 18

    Love love love this article! I’m so glad you guys had a great trip. The girls look adorable!

    • Shelley | 24th Apr 18

      Thanks Cay! We missed you guys!

  7. Georgia | 23rd Apr 18

    This is just too darling!
    I have never seen anything as cute as those little dresses <3
    I need to take the boys there~

    • Shelley | 24th Apr 18

      Thank you! We were all talking about how much we love the tutu dresses from Old Navy! Your boys would LOVE it!

  8. Alexis | 24th Apr 18

    Love this post! We’re not quite to the point of planning a Disney trip (I’m 37 weeks pregnant) but it’s obviously on our bucket-list sooooon and I can’t wait! Thanks for the tips.

    • Shelley | 26th Apr 18

      Ohh!! You’re a *little* too pregnant for a Disney trip just yet. On the other hand, I wonder if you guys would get a free lifetime membership if you had the baby in the park? Hmm… haha! Good luck on your last few weeks & hope your delivery is super easy!

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