How To Cope When Your Child Has Dog Allergies

Aubrey deals with a mild case of eczema, a constant runny nose and itchy eyes.  For the longest time we blamed the snotty nose on daycare and the seasons. That is until earlier this month, we found out it was neither and we would have to make some lifestyle changes as a result.


We took Aubrey in to see an allergist and have environmental testing conducted.  They wrote letters and numbers all over her back and started putting the allergens beside each number to test for a reaction. Then, we waited 15 minutes for the results.

When the doctor started the evaluation, the first thing she said was “Remind me if you have a dog?”  Without her saying anything else, I knew what that meant. I immediately said “Yes! Our first baby, Paisley, is a large black lab.” Her response?

“Well, Paisley is causing all of Aubrey’s allergy symptoms.” My heart dropped to the ground.

The elephant in the room had to be addressed.  I asked “What do we need to do?”

Luckily, re-homing our dog wasn’t what the doctor suggested. Getting rid of our family pet was never an option and I am happy our pediatrician was able to help us find solutions. Paisley is our first child and a huge part of our family.

Instead, the doctor gave me some advice on what we could do to keep Aubrey and Paisley’s love and friendship alive while reducing the amount of Kleenex and Zyrtek we go through on a weekly basis.

These are the changes we have made to make allergies and pets compatible in our home:

Dog Pet Child Allergies

1.) First, get your child tested

We should have started this a while back.  The allergist said Aubrey’s nose looks like she has had severe allergies for nine years, but she is only three years old. I was very nervous about the testing, but Aubrey took it like a champ! She sat on my lap, talked to me, and looked at pictures from our recent Disney Trip. She said “ouch” like 4 times but other than that, she was completely fine. This is the first step in addressing a potential pet allergy issue.

 2.) Buy a Furminator

Ah-mazing! The Furminator is the BEST dog brush in the land; this thing works!  Each time we use the brush, there is enough fur leftover to make 9 lab puppies.  It is really unbelievable how much fur it removes!  We used to brush Paisley once a month (maybe) but now we pamper her weekly to keep all of those loose hairs out of our house.

3.) Invest in a Roomba –

The Roomba is the best robot vacuum for dog hair that lands on the floors.  Every.Single.Day there are black tumbleweeds blowing through the hallways and hiding under furniture.  I seriously have no idea how Paisley has a hair left on her body because she sheds so much!

This is the biggest problem with Aubrey’s allergy to pet dander.  But have no fear… Rosita, our Roomba, to the rescue!  We run her every single day and she picks up the tumbleweeds that collect under the coach and bar stools.

4.) Create a Dog Free Zone

This the the biggest change for Paisley. She doesn’t wander off and even outside she doesn’t need a leash. Anywhere we are, she is. Normally, we all pile in Aubrey’s bed on weekend mornings, lay in the tent in the playroom, or roll around on the floor. (Paisley is included in all of these activities).  We have now made Aubrey’s room and the playroom off-limits for the dog. We deep cleaned these places and have kept the doors shut to make sure the she doesn’t try to sneak in.

5.) Only “give sugar” before bath time

Aubrey is a very loving child and likes to give hugs and kisses to everyone, Paisley included. She asks the dog to give her a kiss every morning and a hug and kiss before bed. Since Paisley isn’t allowed in the bedroom, we had to cut out the morning kisses. Now, she can’t greet Aubrey the second she opens her precious eyes in the morning.

However, we are still able to give good night sugar but it has to be done right before a bath so that the hair and dander is immediately washed off. It is a small adjustment but I am thankful she can still love on her “big sister” as she calls her.

6.) Increase Bath Frequency –

This was a recommendation from the allergist. Honestly, Paisley does not get a bath nearly as often as she should. This is going to change. By giving her a bath and using good dog shampoo her skin is more moisturized and less likely to leave dander all over the house.

7.) Wipe down before bed time –

We use Johnson and Johnson Hand and Face Wipes every night before bed. We wipe down Aubrey’s face, hands and her feet. This keeps any little hairs that she may have collected throughout the day from following her up to her room from making it into her bed.

We are only a month into our new routine and we are already seeing some great improvements in Aubrey’s allergies – specifically the itchy eyes! Paisley is a very important part of our family so our only option was to make some changes that would work for everyone in our family.

How do you deal with pet allergies at your house?


About The Author


Founder & author of the parenting & lifestyle blog, Poms2Moms, but my full-time job is wine. Find me writing about my two precious girls, aspirations to become friends with Joanna Gaines, and balancing home-life with my career. Cheers! – Jenny


  1. Lynneah | 25th May 18

    Great post! I have always suffered from dog allergies myself, but that doesn’t stop me from loving my babies! I’ll have to take some of these tips and implement them in my own home!

    • Jenny | 29th May 18

      Thank you! I love that you have been able to work through your allergies! If you have any tips on what has worked for you please let me know! We are giving it all a try!

  2. Cyndi | 26th May 18

    Who would have thought, your own dog. I’m glad y’all got baby girl tested. I have a friend who’s daughter always has a runny nose, I’m going to mention getting her tested. And pass on this post.

    • Jenny | 29th May 18

      I know! I seriously never thought it would have been our Paisley until the doctor asked us what pets we had. And yes, please let your friend know! It really is not that bad and I am so glad we know now and can start making some changes.

  3. Alexis | 26th May 18

    Love this post! My daughter had lots of issues with allergies at a young age, and we were worried it was to our dog. It did not end up being, and we were thankful for that! I definitely plan to check out the furminator! We have a golden retriever who sheds like crazy!!

    • Jenny | 29th May 18

      Oh my goodness the furminator will shock you and then change your life! And Paisley really enjoys it, especially in the warmer months when she is losing her winter coat. I hate your daughter had to deal with allergy symptoms but thankful it was not your fur baby! Thank you for reading the post!

  4. To be the perfect mother | 26th May 18

    Great post! I’m planning to buy a dog to my toddler but I’m concerning about the allergies.
    I’ll do these advices when I get a dog

    • Jenny | 29th May 18

      Thank you! You never know if she will have allergies or not, but I personally feel like having a pet is an important part of childhood! It is such a sweet special bond! Good luck 🙂

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