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8 Truths About Maternity Leave

From the second I found out I was pregnant with Caroline, I was already looking forward to a 14-week-long maternity leave.

Journaling – Not Just For Teenage Girls

On my 21st birthday, my mom handed me a large stack of papers in a pretty box, all neatly stapled together. She said, “This is something that I have wanted to give you for a long time.” As I started looking at the pages, my mom explained to me that every year on my birthday she would sit down and write a letter to my birth mom… (I was adopted, and I’ll share more on this in a different post). She made a copy of every single letter and kept it; waiting for the right time to give them to me.

The Cutest Shabby Chic DIY Crib Mobile For Little Girls

I kept seeing all of these really cute mobiles on Pinterest and Etsy and decided I had to have one in my little one’s nursery… until I saw the price tag. There’s no way I was going to pay $30 + shipping fees for a cute accessory my baby will likely not care too much about. I knew I could probably make one just as cute and exactly the way I wanted it (to match her room perfectly).  I am proud to announce it cost less than $15 to make my own DIY crib mobile and looks just as good – if not better – than a store bought one.

6 Reminders to Enjoy Your Child at Every Stage

I remember welcoming our first baby girl into the world and all of the excitement we shared with our friends and families. Along with the excitement, it brought a ton of advice on how to be a parent and people wanting to share their personal experiences.  The thing we heard the most, even from strangers, was to enjoy your child it because they grow up so fast.  Man were they right!