A Thanksgiving Tradition: The Blessing Box

My Paw-Paw died in October of 1996, leaving Grandma to do life on her own after that. We knew that year’s Thanksgiving wouldn’t be the same without Paw-Paw there, and Grandma Hill would be especially sad. As a result, we decided to gather at their house with my parents, sisters, aunts, uncles and cousins. But out of this sadness, bore our family’s Thanksgiving tradition that we continue to do today; The Blessing Box.



During our Thanksgiving feast of 1996, my eldest sister, Terra, gave Grandma the blessing box.

The idea behind it was that Grandma was encouraged to write blessings and keep them in a special place. In the days ahead, if she became sad about missing Paw-Paw, she could open the box and read her blessings and hopefully, receive some joy!

That first Thanksgiving with our blessing box, we each wrote down what we were thankful for on a slip of paper. We went around the room and said what we wrote aloud. Some responses were super heartfelt and serious, while some were simply thankful to have Grandma’s yummy dressing.

The blessing box only spent around 10 months at Grandma’s house. She passed in September the following year. We aren’t sure how many notes Grandma actually wrote outside of 1996’s Thanksgiving, but the Thanksgiving after she passed we brought out the box and found proof of one (pictured below). I am thankful to have had that time with her & my cousin Katie and I’m so glad it brought her enough joy to document.


The Thanksgiving tradition of the blessing box has grown over the years and we keep each year’s notes.

We’ve expanded to include our Thanksgiving menu too! Looking through the past notes is really my favorite part. We get to look back at different things we were going through; new marriages, new babies, overcoming health scares and surgeries.

Plus, we are reminded of who has spent Thanksgiving with us over the years; past boyfriends, friends who weren’t able to be with their own families, more extended family. (Seriously there is always a seat at Mary’s table for anyone who wants one!)


This Thanksgiving will mark the 23rd round for the blessing box! We have so much to be thankful for and one of mine is this tradition with my family. It sets the tone and our hearts before diving into our delicious meal and sharing a great time of fellowship.


(During the taking of this picture, there was some promiscuity happening behind me. My mom asked my dad if he knew where his hand was and he said yes… then told the photographer to take her time because he was comfortable! Dad is always good for a laugh!)

Do you have a Thanksgiving family tradition? If so, please share. If not, make 2019 your year to start your own blessing box.

In the spirit of this season of gratitude it would be remiss of me if I didn’t ask… what are YOU thankful for?

About The Author


Founder & author of the parenting & lifestyle blog, Poms2Moms. Lover of Jesus, farm life, and healthy living… but baking some dang good cakes while doing it! Find me writing about my relationship with Christ, my lineman husband, and adventures as a veteran 2-under-2 momma. Cheers! – Trisha


  1. Holly Downing | 20th Nov 19

    What a beautiful tradition! This is the first year my husband and I will be staying home for Thanksgiving and I want to start some of these traditions with our kiddos.

  2. Emily at Hunny I'm Home DIY | 20th Nov 19

    What a great tradition! And with so many years of grateful notes, I bet your family really loves looking at what you were thankful for in the past just as much as what you’re grateful for this year.

  3. Jennifer Morrison | 20th Nov 19

    What a wonderful idea! I love the idea of being able to look back over past Thanksgivings and see who was there, and the menu was. What a great way to spur more thankfulness!

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