6 Foolproof Breakfast Hacks to Make Your Life Easier

I don’t know about you, but the easiest way for me to start off my day on the wrong foot is to have no idea what I’m going to eat for breakfast. The hustle and bustle of the morning is enough – not having breakfast? That’s even worse. That’s why I’ve decided to share some of my favorite breakfast hacks that I use for my entire family.

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I catch myself saying “I’ll just get some coffee and something to eat on the way to work”. Sometimes it’s easier to throw everyone (Cam) and everything in the car and “figure it out” on the way. I hate doing that because I know it’s not putting my best foot forward for the day. I’m also more likely to eat a crap lunch if I haven’t started the day with a wholesome breakfast. If I skip it completely, I’ll usually end up with a headache by 11 am and the shakes from all the coffee I’ve drank.


These breakfast hacks have completely cut my “get ready” time in half and help me get out of the door faster with a plan in place. Here are my top 6 Quick & Easy Breakfast Hacks For Busy Moms:


1.) Throw it all in a Breakfast Bowl

Nothing says “I ain’t got time” like a bowl full of random stuff + eggs. On the weekend, make several different breakfast meats (chicken sausage, bacon, etc), vegetables, and sweet potatoes. In the morning, all you have to do is throw the ingredients you want to eat in a bowl, top it with a fresh egg (or pre-made… see next hack), and run out the door. Sometimes, I even wait and heat it up at work if I won the negotiating war with my alarm clock and stayed in bed a few extra minutes.



2.) Pre-make Eggs

Sounds a little crazy, but there’s no rule out there that says you can’t reheat eggs. I love [amazon_textlink asin=’B01MQ1234N’ text=’slicing a pepper‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’6b8f0f42-d00d-11e8-8387-7f5aff504345′], throwing it in the pan, and adding an egg in the middle. This keeps the egg contained and makes a perfect size for a sandwich or to throw on top of the bowl mentioned above. *BONUS* – it includes something green.


3.) Make Bacon on a Sheet Pan

I HATE making bacon. My hair smells, my house smells, grease is splattered everywhere and my lash extensions assume I’ve gone to hell with all the heat rising up in my face. My mom taught me the most genius way to cook bacon and I’ll never look back… on a sheet pan OR [amazon_textlink asin=’B01EB92VNY’ text=’this handy pan that catches the grease‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’c0339bdb-d00d-11e8-bea4-d1461fd3ee82′]. Throw some aluminum foil on a cookie sheet, place the bacon, throw it in the oven on LOW broil. BAM. Perfectly, delicious, crispy bacon without the mess, splatter, and heat.

Apparently the bacon got gone before I had time to snap a shot of the masterpiece.

4.) Whip up a Hashbrown Bake

This is another favorite to pre-make and heat up. Use frozen hash browns and throw them in a pan with olive oil. Once you’ve flipped one side, throw an egg (or two) on top. Let cool and refrigerate. In the morning, throw some spinach on top and head out the door!


5.) Try Croissant Egg Rolls

Every time I make these, it seems like I’m down to the laaaast ingredients in my fridge before going to the store. Use croissant dough and roll it out. Throw in some ham, scrambled egg and cheese. Roll it up and throw it in the oven. These are super easy to grab and go or if you’ve got a house full of kids that assume you’re going to feed them something.


6.) Treat Pancakes like Real Cakes

Demetrius had this bright idea to buy [amazon_textlink asin=’B07G6KY9P5′ text=’this mini pancake silicone ring thing‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’415b447a-d00e-11e8-95be-8183307426a7′] so he could pre-make pancakes and freeze them. Long story short, it was an epic failure.

Instead, we figured out we can bake them in the oven! Put down some foil on a [amazon_textlink asin=’B0049C2S32′ text=’sheet pan‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’5dfef708-d00e-11e8-9047-f7e206008f12′], grease it up, throw in the pancake mixture, pop it in the oven, and cut it into squares with a pizza roller (insert mind blown emoji). This might not be a big deal at your house, but it was revolutionary for us!


These are Cam’s pancakes but for Demetrius, we add in protein powder and a little cinnamon. With that, Cam and Demetrius eat pancakes nearly every morning… ok, every single morning. YOLO.


These hacks make my life 23989485 times easier because I have something I can grab and go and my people are fed, too!  Now, if I could make a decision on what I was going to wear the night before and stick to it, that would be great!

How do you save time on breakfast in the morning?


About The Author


Founder & author of the parenting & lifestyle blog, Poms2Moms. Loves the sunshine, time with friends, practicality, and and the occasional designer shoe. Find me writing about my babies (1 human, 2 furry,) food & fitness, and life in the NFL. Cheers! – Shelley


  1. Jill | 15th Oct 18

    Lately, I’ve been finding we are also grabbing breakfast for the car ride and I’ve been scratching my head for easy healthy make ahead foods the kids will like. Your pancakes as cake ideas is pure genius, and way easier than making a huge batch of individual pancakes on the weekend. Thanks for the great tips.

  2. susie liberatore | 15th Oct 18

    The breakfast bowl sounds delicious and super easy, Love these ideas.

  3. Esther | 15th Oct 18

    These are great breakfast hacks. Sometimes am just so lazy to make myself a decent breakfast but I am gonna try to incorporate these hacks. Thank you

  4. Carli | 15th Oct 18

    These are some great ideas. My hubby is in charge of breakfast at our house bc I’m always still working so I need to let him read this.

  5. Margaret | 15th Oct 18

    I really like your breakfast hacks, especially making pancakes and bacon on a sheet pan. Genius!

  6. Erin h | 16th Oct 18

    Great ideas!! I’ll have to do these!!

  7. Jennnifer | 16th Oct 18

    I love the idea of the sheet pan pancake. When our family is together on the weekends, I want to spend time with them. Cooking the bacon and pancakes in the oven would give me back a load of time to spend focused on the ones that I love.

  8. Tiff | 17th Oct 18

    The sheet pan pancakes!!!! Seriously! What a super idea!

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