16 Amazon Items All Pumping Mamas Need

Hey milk mama! So you’ve decided to pump breastmilk for your baby.

First off, give yourself a big ol’ high five because you’re giving your baby an AMAZING gift. Then, take a deep breath because the pumping struggle… is very, very real.


To be a pumping mama, you have to consider the time, effort, and SUPPLIES it will take to make this a possibility.


As you read this, you might find yourself in one of two boats:

Working Mama?

If you plan to breastfeed, but you also have a job to go back to after maternity leave, you gotta figure out a way to get your baby fed when you’re not around.

Pumping isn’t the easy answer, but as I said before… it’s a GREAT ONE. And you’re gonna need some great gear to get you going.

Exclusively Pumping Mama?

This one is DEFINITELY for you.

Chances are this wasn’t a decision you made pre-baby. If you’re in the 1% who planned to go this route from the get-go, then your probably have everything on this list. (But seriously, God bless you and your journey, woman.)

The greater likelihood is that breastfeeding just didn’t work out for you. Why? Well, some kiddos simply can’t get the hang of it. Others, because of lip or tongue ties, are incapable. Sometimes mom, you don’t produce enough for breastfeeding alone. Or maybe it’s YOU, who just isn’t feeling that bonding connection.

(Don’t forget to check out my post – 5 Crucial Considerations For Exclusively Pumping.)


Whatever the case may be, exclusive pumping is one big party, and you gotta have the right equipment.

So I’ve teamed up with my 4 other Poms2Moms pumping partners, to bring to you, the FULL LIST of things YOU MAY NEED in your pumping journey.

(Hey ladies! That’s almost 7-YEARS WORTH of pumping experience!)

Here are 16 items every pumping mama MIGHT HAVE forgotten to include on her baby registry:



1.) Breast Pump – Do your research on what’s available in the market, (because it’s ever-changing.) If you’re able to get your breast pump through your work’s insurance, your options will be more limited, but it’s still worth checking out reviews and feedback from veteran pumpers.

2.) Second breast pump – If you exclusively pump, this is an absolute must. I was lucky enough to have one pump to keep at home, and another at work. My pump at home was HANDS-FREE and I couldn’t recommend that enough to moms who need to pump AND be mobile.


Just don’t. These hands-free bras are an absolutely must. (Or… you can MAKE your own with a pair of scissors and an old sports bra. It ain’t pretty, but email us at poms2moms@gmail.com if you want more info!)

4.) Nursing/pumping cover – These are great for nursing and also covering up while pumping at work. (Or on the go!)

5.) Compatible bottles – You’ll have to see exactly what works with your pump, but I used two different Medela pumps and BOTH worked with Dr Brown’s bottles. I also loved Dr. Brown’s as a reflux-friendly choice for my little reflux-babes!

6.) Nipple cream – Those nips are going to be pretty sensitive at first but EVEN AFTER, nipple cream helps reduce friction as you’re pumping.

7.) Multiple sets of pump parts – Like I mentioned with the second pump, it’s more of a convenience item… but as many times as you pump during the day, it’s worth having AS many sets of parts. That way, you’re only washing parts one time a day.

8.) Extra membranes – (If these are required for your pump.) These parts tend to wear the fastest, so it’s a great idea to go ahead and have several extras on hand.

9.) Replacement tubes for pump – These are the most likely to collect mold, (barf,) because they aren’t washed but moisture can still collect in them. Definitely change these out every few months and AS SOON AS you notice any discoloration.

10.) Milk bags (and/or) other storage bottles – Especially in the early days, you’ll be working on building up a stash so having an effective storage solution is of utmost importance.

Don’t forget to check out my post on the Ultimate Breastmilk Storage Hack! 



11.) A Boon lawn – I used and abused my adorable Boon lawn(s). I had a large one to keep at the house, as well as a smaller one to take for travel! They’re a great drying solution for all of your parts. Just be sure to wash it periodically!

12.) Breast pump charger for the car – If you don’t have a battery-powered pump, be sure to pick up a car charger for pumping on the go!

13.) Disposable wipes – These were a LIFE-SAVER for work. Instead of washing at work, OR taking home a bunch of smelly parts, I could give them a quick wipe-down and get them 90% clean. This was especially helpful when I had to pump multiple times while away from home.

14.) Travel dish soap and wash bin – Nothing is worse than showing up at a hotel and you have nothing but bar soap to wash your parts. I always brought a small bowl and Dawn Soap to make washing parts while traveling as easy as possible.

15.) Bottle brush – As many pump parts as you’ll dirty… you’re also going to go through some bottles. I love bottle brushes to ensure they are extra squeaky clean.

16.) Cooler/Pump bag – You’re going to be carrying a lot of gear around, so why not carry it around in style? I didn’t love the bag that my pump “came with,” (I felt like it made my load look so OBVIOUS)  so I used another bag that was a little more subtle. 🙂

A lot of the pumps COME WITH your cooler and ice packs so before you go out and buy those… make sure you don’t already have one sitting in your package.

Anything I missed? What were/are your must-haves as a pumping mama?


About The Author


Founder & author of the parenting & lifestyle blog, Poms2Moms. Wife, girl mom, and lover of all things outdoors, food, and wine. Travel is my love language, Netflix binges… my guilty pleasure. Find me writing about toddler drama, baby’s first year, progressive parenting, and more. Cheers! – Kaitlin