healthy lifestyle

The Ultimate Half Marathon Hack For Runners… That Isn’t Running.

Anyone else back to the grind after an epic weekend? This past weekend was one for the books! If you follow us on Instagram, you know the App State squad got together for our annual Friendsgiving! We stuffed our faces, drank all the wine, and continued to force friendship on our children. But earlier that day… I checked off a long-awaited item on my personal bucket list. Almost 8 years in the making, I completed my VERY FIRST half marathon.

The Indulgent Girl’s Guide To Staying Slim Over The Holidays

It all starts with the Halloween candy. Pumpkin bread, pumpkin beer, and pumpkin spice lattes… you’re halfway through November with an eye towards Thanksgiving and find yourself with [amazon_textlink asin=’B075VB52KH’ text=’holiday party invitations‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’4ca559a5-e6af-11e8-87e6-35767d595d1d’] in hand. The time is near… CHRISTMAS PARTIES ARE COMING!  (Yay!)