Pack Your Kids In Half The Time With This Simple Travel Hack

I don’t know about you, but I’m the mom with a million things on her brain at all times. Whether it’s meal-planning, scheduling the babes’ days, operating a side hustle, or dreaming about the next time I can take a shower in peace, my mind is always running.


I read something a while back about the “mental load” that moms carry, and it really struck a chord with me. On top of everything you have to do in a day, there are 1,000 more things that you have to remember to do.

So, it should come as no surprise that getting ready to leave the house for a weekend (or week) away is all-out mental Olympics. I’m not kidding… it has taken me up to 2.5 hours to pack up myself, a toddler, an infant, and a dog for a 3-day weekend… AND I STILL FORGET SOMETHING AT HOME!!

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Packing kids for travel and vacation while saving time.

I certainly encourage handing over what “mental responsibility” you can to your partner, but as Trisha has said before, dads may not do it the way moms can. So as a borderline Type A personality who is highly process-driven, I decided to systemize our packing experience with a list!

Packing kids for travel and vacation while saving time.

Y’all, this idea isn’t going to send monkeys to the moon, but it will free yourself of some valuable mental storage space and the nagging question in the back of your mind halfway into your journey to whatever destination you’re going… “Did I remember to bring [insert most important kid’s item ever here.]”


My personal list was built around a 2-year old and a breastfed newborn but I’ve expanded it to cover most necessities for toddlers, infants, with essentials by season.


CLICK HERE! –> Packing List


But wait! THERE’S MORE! If this list almost but not completely satisfies your family’s packing requirements, sign up for our emails and I’ll personally email you the original, downloadable Microsoft Word document so you may customize the list to suit your needs.



I hear that packing for… anything, really… gets easier and lighter as the babes get older, so I’m very much looking forward to that. In the meantime, this little checklist (in addition to the million others I have for different tasks) will help save my sanity.

Packing kids for travel and vacation while saving time.

What kinds of shortcuts or things do you do to reduce your mental load? Please share! Asking for a friend. 😉

About The Author


Founder & author of the parenting & lifestyle blog, Poms2Moms. Wife, girl mom, and lover of all things outdoors, food, and wine. Travel is my love language, Netflix binges… my guilty pleasure. Find me writing about toddler drama, baby’s first year, progressive parenting, and more. Cheers! – Kaitlin


  1. Beth | 11th Jun 18

    Packing does get a lot easier as the kids get older! I remember when my kids were young how time-consuming it was to get things packed. Now that they are teens, I just have to tell them how many nights we’ll be gone.

  2. Beth | 11th Jun 18

    I hit enter too soon, I was going to say that this list would surely have made my life easier!

    • Kaitlin | 12th Jun 18

      Hey Beth! I really try not to wish away their babyhood, but I vividly remember packing up our family for the first trip away after welcoming our second daughter and totally taking for granted how much easier things had gotten with our oldest – she was only 2! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Katie | 11th Jun 18

    I love checklist! I couldn’t make it through the day without them!

    • Kaitlin | 12th Jun 18

      That’s awesome, Katie! What else do you use lists for? I have a lot of random lists on my phone but I’d love to have more for things like organizing our calendars for the week, as well as cleaning. Thanks for checking us out!

  4. Amy @ Orison Orchards | 11th Jun 18

    Hey, great list! It will be very helpful! We love to travel and packing (along with UNpacking afterward) is the very worst part.

    • Kaitlin | 12th Jun 18

      Thanks, Amy! Same here. It’s so rough getting things together but not bad enough for me to forgo travel. <3

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