Genius Toddler “Back To School” Essentials

Before I became a mom, I never understood why others would publicly be excited about sending their kids back to school. Don’t you want to spend time with your babies and play with them and watch them grow? Shopping for back to school essentials sounded fun but announcing you’re ready to send your child off to someone else for more than half of the day just seemed mean.

…Until I became a parent.

I nearly cried when Cam’s teacher called me last week. Her voice sounded like an angel and all I remember hearing was “I’m excited to have her in my class”. In her class means she’s out of my house, out of my hair, and out of the pantry stealing snacks for a few hours every day.  The instant relief was overwhelming.


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She then told me the list of school supplies she would needed. Obviously, a toddler needs school supplies. So I took the list and started on it right away so we’re super prepared for school to start. Because I’ll say it again… I CAN’T WAIT TO SEND HER TO SCHOOL!

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I went out tax free weekend (mistake) and tried to find the stuff on her list. After 4 stores and a pair of shoes for myself later, I decided online shopping should have been option #1.

So I opened up my laptop and found the most perfect items for “back to school” for toddlers.

Here is the guide to getting your little one started at school this year:



1.) Primary Pencils

Wait, I just birthed her last week and now she needs pencils? Ha! I wasn’t able to find these silly fat pencils so I ordered them online. These are great for those tiny little paws to help them write a little easier as they learn.

2.) Lunchbox

I’m obsessed with the “bento box” lunch boxes!  *Disclaimer: They ain’t cheap. The box is stainless steel and easy to throw in the dishwasher. I love the little compartments because it reminds me to pack a variety of food for her to eat. Toddlers love to eat small snacks in variety, so this was perfect.


The bag it comes in has tons of little prints or solids and has 2 huge pockets in the front for storing a drink & snack.

If you’re not into the price tag, [amazon_textlink asin=’B00PKNO7HO’ text=’you can find some cheap bento boxes on Amazon‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’06b359fa-9e41-11e8-ab5c-03559f00cb63′].


3.) Inch Bug Name Tags

Day cares and preschools are forced to comply with state regulations. Here in Florida (I’m sure it’s similar elsewhere), we have to label Every. Single. Item. that we send to school with our kid. I found these labels and they are SUPER sticky, even on our [amazon_textlink asin=’B07BS1H9XJ’ text=’favorite water bottle‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’d81a85a8-9e4c-11e8-a5ad-3f5121c69258′] in the dishwasher.

I put them on forks, spoons, lunch box, book bag, clothes… just about anything that needs a label. If you don’t have time to customize, [amazon_textlink asin=’B00I79FE7U’ text=’you can also get ones you hand write their name on‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’70a040b0-9e51-11e8-b0f4-c76c2f842482′] and stick to their stuff.


4.) Bookbag

This one has been hard for me because they ask for a full size backpack to fit her lunch box and other items for school. It’s hard to find one that is small enough for them to carry but large enough for their entire lunch box and 2594 art projects from the week.

[amazon_textlink asin=’B01MTLIRU3′ text=’I love this one‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’47ee7b18-9e4a-11e8-b4c3-1bc174e2c9c4′] but have also heard the Pottery Barn book bags are super awesome, too (and they embroider).

5.) Shoes

Ok, Cam has a TON of shoes. I struggled when she first started school because I love the little flip flops with bows and jelly sandals. Since they are out on the playground everyday doing who-knows-what, I decided to get her some sneakers that will stay on her feet.

[amazon_textlink asin=’B076MM95D1′ text=’My #1 favorites are Nike Huraches‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’b6001fc6-9e4a-11e8-b248-1f4352dd0ab1′] because there are NO laces to worry about. They stay on well and are stupid cute. We MAY or MAY not have a *few* matching pairs (insert winky face).

I usually stick with neutrals so they will match just about any outfit she puts on (we have [amazon_textlink asin=’B01HSDNCHE’ text=’black‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’d5ffce95-9e4a-11e8-ac63-c11046b1d201′], [amazon_textlink asin=’B076MM95D1′ text=’pink‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’7b69b0b6-9e4b-11e8-ab40-df691c932c7b’], and [amazon_textlink asin=’B00YUS1YR6′ text=’white‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’8dab9c82-9e4b-11e8-9601-1507b3f01428′]).

Size UP if you decide to order them.

[amazon_textlink asin=’B01D0Q6UOK’ text=’A second favorite is Converse High Tops‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’6b42e3d7-9e53-11e8-b3e9-911d5df5fd52′]. You can’t go wrong and they’re cute with skirts or dresses. We’ve had 2 pairs of high tops in gold because they match EVERYTHING. No regrets!


I love back to school shopping and these essentials 1.) help me stay organized, 2.) supply Cam with everything she needs, and 3.) keep my kid lookin cute!


Summer FLEW by and I can’t believe it’s already August!  It’s bittersweet but don’t get me wrong, I’m HAPPY she will be somewhere safe and learning new things I could never teach her at home!

What are your favorite back to school essentials?



About The Author


Founder & author of the parenting & lifestyle blog, Poms2Moms. Loves the sunshine, time with friends, practicality, and and the occasional designer shoe. Find me writing about my babies (1 human, 2 furry,) food & fitness, and life in the NFL. Cheers! – Shelley


  1. Keri | 13th Aug 18

    I love the inch bug name tags. They seem like they make labeling everything so convenient!

  2. Danielle | 13th Aug 18

    I really need to invest in some name tags I think! And I love that lunch box! I’d like to get my daughter a divided one too.

    • Shelley | 14th Aug 18

      I LOVE the name tags. They seem to stick much better than any other ones. I was afraid the “Write on” ones would smear so I’m glad I went with the printed ones.

  3. susie liberatore | 13th Aug 18

    How cute, love this idea. thanks for sharing

    • Shelley | 14th Aug 18

      Hi Susie, thanks for stopping by!

  4. Jessica Moore | 14th Aug 18

    Planet box is NOT cheap but totally worth it for an easy to clean lunch box that will last a long time!

    • Shelley | 14th Aug 18

      Definitely not cheap and SO MANY people think I’m crazy but it will (or at least it better) last forever! So easy to clean and helps keep food cold.

  5. Bethany | 14th Aug 18

    Ticonderoga pencils are the best and so worth the cost!! And I love those lunchboxes.. we homeschool but I bet I can find a reason to buy them haha.

    • Shelley | 14th Aug 18

      Bethany, you totally could find a reason! Every kid needs a lunch box for family road trips! I was shocked I couldn’t find the primary pencils in the store but I’m glad I ordered the Ticonderogas.

  6. marie | 14th Aug 18

    I’ll be honest…I can’t wait to have to buy school supplies for my toddler! I love the name tags and the lunch box.

  7. Meredith | 14th Aug 18

    I love that lunch box and those shoes! Our school is super picky about the types of shoes but those look like they would fit all of the criteria! Thank you!

    • Shelley | 14th Aug 18

      Meredith, the Huraches I swear are the best toddler shoes! Throw them on and never worry about the laces getting untied! They’re also INCREDIBLY comfortable for women, too. 😉

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