
DIY Easter Egg Tree For Toddlers


It’s important to me to include my kids in the everyday things I do. Whether it’s baking a cake, cooking dinner, decorating or even checking my emails, I want to teach them how to do “real life” tasks. It gives us more time together plus it makes doing those monotonous tasks much more fun. It could even spark a passion inside them…you never know, I may be raising the next Bobby Flay or Joanna Gaines.

An Ode To Your Firstborn

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve started and stopped writing this post.

On this attempt, Lilly sits on the couch watching a movie (she’s feeling a little under the weather) and I start jotting down my thoughts laying on the floor next to her. She looks so perfect in that moment, that I kiss her little foot—which has lost all of the extra delicious baby chunk it once contained. It’s long, skinny, and it has Barbie pink toenails. It’s not the foot of a baby; it’s the foot of a little girl.

7 Ways to Manage Your Very Manipula—-I Mean, “Opinionated” Toddler

Have you ever carried a screaming child out of Target? Or had a philosophical debate with an opinionated toddler about wearing pants? Or rocked yourself in a corner in the fetal position because your kid JUST. WON’T. EAT. DINNER?

No? Oh. Just asking for a friend…

6 Reminders to Enjoy Your Child at Every Stage

I remember welcoming our first baby girl into the world and all of the excitement we shared with our friends and families. Along with the excitement, it brought a ton of advice on how to be a parent and people wanting to share their personal experiences.  The thing we heard the most, even from strangers, was to enjoy your child it because they grow up so fast.  Man were they right!