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Your Official Guide To Baby Beach Essentials

Picture it… a hot summer day on the beautiful Grand Strand. You have bravely fought the wiggly little people and finally have them painted with sunscreen. You have all the baby beach essentials to ensure a PERFECT DAY in the sand and shore. (Or so you think…)

Raising A Child With Severe Eczema

This little sweetie… (pictured below) made me a mommy on January 27th. I read parenting books and blogs. I made schedules and followed them to a ‘T.’ I asked my mom, sisters, and in-laws for all of their best parenting advice. Everything was going well into my first few months of motherhood.

DIY Easter Egg Tree For Toddlers


It’s important to me to include my kids in the everyday things I do. Whether it’s baking a cake, cooking dinner, decorating or even checking my emails, I want to teach them how to do “real life” tasks. It gives us more time together plus it makes doing those monotonous tasks much more fun. It could even spark a passion inside them…you never know, I may be raising the next Bobby Flay or Joanna Gaines.

How To Accept “Dad’s Way”

Dads don’t get it done like moms.

You know what I mean, right? As moms, we usually have a lot to juggle. We carry babies in our arms while leaping through the toy filled terrain, dodging feet debilitating metal tractors and plastic baby bottles to answer the phone, fill up a sippy cup or diffuse an attitude bomb of a threenager; all while making sure your roast isn’t lighting up the oven like the 4th of July.

Love More & Worry Less

You know the feeling…The one where your heart is going to explode because you love your children so much. There really aren’t any words to fully express how much love and joy you feel for your kids. It’s truly unfathomable. Such great love for our babies also brings about great protection for them too. Enter: MAMA BEAR.